Architecture overview 6/03/12 F. Desprez - ISC Cloud Context : Development of a toolbox for deploying application services providers with a hierarchical architecture for scalability Distributed scheduler (MA, LA) Servers (SeD) Main research issues: scheduling, heterogeneity, automatic deployment, interoperability, high performance data transfer and management, monitoring, fault tolerance, genericity of solutions for various applications, static and dynamic analysis of performance, … Validation: Large validation over Grid’5000. DIET used case: The Decrypthon project - DIET was selected by IBM – Start’up: SysFera (created in march 2010). Contact: F. Desprez, E. Caron, GRAAL Team, LIP ENS Lyon Web: Contact: F. Desprez, E. Caron, GRAAL Team, LIP ENS Lyon Web:
DIET Cloud: Architecture Next Generation 6/03/12 F. Desprez - ISC Cloud Many prerequisites available in DIET service calls, scalable scheduling data management. Multi-cloud infrastructures manager SeD Cloud deals with a large number of Cloud IaaS using an API as δ-Cloud, OCCI, OpenStack, etc. DIET as Virtual Machines manager using the IaaS skills Diet SeD Cloud bootstraps a Cloud instance (VM launching) Application Deployment: External tools Puppet, chef, etc. Elastic architecture : allows each DIET SeD Cloud to expand or reduces the number of compute resource.
DIET Cloud: Workflow on Cloud using Nimbus 6/03/12 F. Desprez - ISC Cloud Nimbus low-level IaaS provider open-source IaaS provider provides low-level resources (VMs) compatible with the Amazon EC2 used a FutureGrid install Phantom high-level resource provider auto-scaling and high availability provider high-level resource provider subset of the Amazon auto-scale service part of the Nimbus platform DIET MADag the workflow engine one service implementation per task each service launches its afferent task supports DAG, PTG and functional workflows Client submitting a workflow
Seed4C: Secure embedded element and data protection Seed4C goal: Guarantee end-to-end security of service Can we get a seed to build trusted Clouds ? Up to 80% of problems can be solved with a protected execution and a proper policy enforcement A TCB (Trusted Control Plane) within the network: the seed Smart deployment of SEEDs SEED load balancing Pre-provisioning of security credentials Dynamic association with applications/services SEED form factors and management Hardware / Software / dedicated VMs / OS component ? 24/09/2012 F. Desprez - ISC Cloud- 4 © Alcatel Lucent / INRIA / MPY
One Seed4C Use Case: The HPC Added value of NoSE Generation and protection of secrets (Key) in network protocols OSPF, SMTP, S-BGP, Secure BGP Execution of sensible code Policy verification Bootstrap isolation Assurance Validation of host characteristics Certification of host characteristics MAC address Location VM bootstrap on server side Design of new element to interface NoSE and Cloud software SPS: Secure Provisioning and Scheduling 24/09/2012 F. Desprez - ISC Cloud- 5 © Alcatel Lucent / INRIA / MPY