Condition of the Water & Streambanks– Preliminary Results Marty St. Clair Coe College August 15, 2013
Scope Chemical Assessment o Sampling from March through November Weekly in March, April, September through November; 2 times/week May through August 12 sites Analysis in the field for dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, conductivity, and turbidity Analysis in the laboratory for nitrate, chloride, and sulfate (ion chromatography); dissolved reactive phosphorus (flow injection analysis), total suspended solids, and E. coli Physical Assessment o RASCAL o Flow measurements
Sampling sites Designed to get a better understanding of what happens to the stream as it moves through the watershed SiteRow crop GrasslandsForestArtificial ICLM70.1%20.0%2.1%5.1% Dry Creek78.4%12.5%1.8%3.3% IC Thomas 64.0%19.0%3.9%9.8% ICS (MV Rd.) 55.5%19.1%10.1%11.8%
Results - nitrate
Results – nitrate
Results – E. coli
Results - TSS
Results - physical RASCAL o R apid A ssessment of S tream C onditions A long L ength Based on NRCS SVAP o Assessment and mapping of bank and streambed conditions using a standardized protocol stream substrate, pool frequency, canopy cover, bank type, bank height, neighboring land cover, livestock access, etc. o Urban component largely completed o Identify areas with potential for remediation
Future work Continue monitoring into November Complete RASCAL assessment Data analysis o More detailed – with respect to position in the watershed as well as time o Comparisons
Acknowledgements Funding o Indian Creek Watershed Management Association o City of Cedar Rapids Utilities Department o Iowa DNR – Geological and Water Survey Bureau o Coe College Students o Laura Bybee, Kelsey McKillip, Jacob Fuentes, Deanna Marguglio, Spencer Roth, Kim Schorn, Amanda Kohn