Information, Advice and Guidance in FE and HE Andrew Jones, Linking London Julia Wood, Morley College
Scene Setting What do we mean by higher education?
You’d be forgiven for thinking... It’s what you get at a university, where you go to study on a full time basis after finishing your A Levels at 18 in the school 6 th form (or maybe 19 if you took a gap year) before joining a graduate training programme (with a 2:1 not a 2:2)
In reality: Changing HE Learner 39% of all undergraduate students studying part time 66.7% of all undergraduate students are % of all students are studying for a first degree 48.6% of mature undergraduates are studying part time (from HESA data for 2009/10) Less than half of all full time HE applicants enrol with A- levels only (UCAS 2010 data) approx 10% of the total undergraduate entrant population in England are being taught at FECs (Source: Diverse provision in higher education: options and challenges. Report to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, July 2010)
Changing HE Offer More qualifications to choose from: Degrees, foundation degrees, HNDs, HNCs, HE Certificates/Diplomas, modular degrees, joint degrees, professional qualifications, Higher Apprenticeships More ways to study: Blended learning, accelerated/intensive degrees distance learning, part time & bite sized learning More places to study at: In the workplace, in college: HE offered by FE, abroad, with a private provider, at home
Changes to HE Finance The main changes are: Universities and colleges can charge tuition fees of up to £9,000 per academic year Tuition Fee Loans will go up to cover the higher fees Part-time students can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan (replacing grants) for the first time Students don’t start repaying their loan until they earn £21,000 (up from £15,000) Introduction of the National Scholarship Programme
Making HE Choices is becoming more complex More choice: Providers Qualifications Flexible study modes Plus: Major changes to HE finance Introduction of HE style loans for adult FE learners In the context of major changes to the IAG landscape
At the same time…… Application process still based on A-level applicant Admissions information for non A-level applicants is of variable quality – fair & transparent? IAG resources for learners and guides for advisers and tutors still focus on 6 th form A- level applicant progressing on to full time campus based study
What’s happening to applications for 2012 entry? UCAS Applications 2012 Entry Feb 2012 Data: Greater London: Diff (+/-) Diff (%) 83,567 75,540 -8, % Applicants by age (compared to 2011): % % % % % % 40 and over -9.8% Overall: -7.3%
THE CEIAG Offer College wide buy in to careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) service from pre-entry to post exit A CEIAG policy which includes defined roles and responsibilities of key staff Clear procedures for making referrals & for identifying and supporting learners who, are at “risk” ensuring access to impartial IAG qualified staff Staff involved with CEIAG receive appropriate training Explore potential for Accrediting Student Service Support – eg Matrix Standard or Investors in Careers CEIAG programme is systematically monitored, reviewed and evaluated including student feedback
Advising Access Students on HE: Pre- entry Provide detailed information to help applicants make an informed choice, including course details, progression opportunities, HE finance & benefits of HE study Screen applications, eg to identify where IAG support may be needed Assess applicants suitability for level 3 study Ensure right “fit”- is it the right course for them? - will the course help them to achieve their career goals? Have applicants considered impact of study on personal circumstances and made appropriate arrangements? Are staff aware of support services available and how and when to refer? Provide access to IAG resources to enable applicants to prepare for Access to HE study & start planning ahead
Advising Access Students on HE: on course Encourage learners to start early – pre entry?!! Ensure learners & staff know about the CEIAG support available and how to access it: induction Use of a variety of delivery mechanisms to update staff and students on IAG matters: “distance/flexible offer” Develop links with external organisations to enrich CEIAG Make effective use of UCAS Apply and Track to monitor applications and offers Use retention & progression to HE data to inform and develop IAG offer
Advising Access Students on HE: on course Use a variety of delivery methods to help students identify: Their own priorities, skills & career plans and how personal circumstances will effect their choices What they need to consider and find out to make an informed choice: Potential benefits of HE study Changes to HE finance & changing HE offer range of progression opportunities Information on application process including any additional requirements – eg CRB check, relevant work experience, maths Potential barriers – ie lack of information on entry requirements, unrealistic offers and how to respond How to make a strong application: personal statement & reference How to prepare for HE study: getting ready, brushing up on study skills, how HE study differs from level 3 study etc.
Advising Access Students on HE: Using Data to inform progression Provide examples of progression routes and opportunities Identify Alumni: Case studies / mentoring / talks / Ambassadors Identify blockages/barriers: from specific access courses and to specific HEIs Develop a resource of good and bad application forms / personal statements / references Provide evidence for developing closer links with HEIs - progression agreements
Supporting Access students to make successful applications: From Birkbeck to Cambridge Build relationships with HEIs Students inducted in July and work on Applications, Courses and Careers – before September Within first 2 weeks: agree the right degree programme and universities that suit the student Individual support, case studies: Cambridge King’s Birkbeck
Contact Details Andrew Jones: Julia Wood: