Eating disorders are extreme and dangerous.
Liquid diets- liquid diet only, which can be extremely dangerous. Diet pills- claim they suppress your appetite. Fasting- fasting deprives the body of nutrients and a result of dehydration. Supplements- The FDA does not regulate supplements so BE CAREFUL! Fad diets
Eating disorders- extreme, harmful eating behaviors that can cause serious illness or even death. Eating disorders are classified as an mental illness and they are often linked to depression, low self- esteem, or troubled personal relationships. Anorexia nervosa- is an eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight gain leads people to starve themselves. Stay Healthy
Avoiding food and meals Eating only a few kinds of food Weighing or counting the calories Exercising excessively Weighing themselves repeatedly CONSEQUENCES: Malnutrition which is starvation. Body temperature Heart rate Bones becoming brittle Anorexia behaviors
Bulimia Nervosa- Is an eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of food. Extreme binge and then guilt follows and they will take a laxatives or try to vomit. CONSEQUENCES Stomach acid damages teeth, throat, kidneys, and intestines. Bulimia Nervosa
Binge eating – is an eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively. Most common in males. Binge eating disorders are not as frequent as they are in bulimia disorders. CONSEQUENCES Overweight and obesity High blood pressure Type 2 diabetes Cardiovascular disease Binge eating
Eating disorders are dangerous and serious illnesses. People with these disorders need help to overcome them. Medical help may involve counseling, nutritional guidance, a doctor’s care, and in extreme case, a hospital stay. Seek help