Value Creation through Internal Physical Environment in Ethnic Restaurants CASES OF THREE ETHNIC RESTAURANTS IN HELSINGBORG SWEDEN Katarina Štrangarov
CONTENT Introduction Results & Recommendation Additional Results & Results Model
DESCRIPTION OF THE RESEARCH TOPIC Rapid development of ethnic restaurants Internal physical environment as a way for creating values for customers Concept of ethnic restaurant Customer’s perspective
FORMATION OF THE RESEARCH Research aim Research question o How internal physical environment in ethnic restaurants contribute to creating values for customers?
Choice of case ethnic restaurants in Helsingborg
INTERNAL PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT ELEMENTS & SERVICESCAPE DIMENSIONS Layout Furniture layout Area of the space Coziness Aesthetics Interior design Decorative details Ambience LightingMusicFragrance Servicescape Dimensions Elements of the Internal Physical Environment
ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATION Globalization & Consumption trends maintaining ethnic authenticity and cultural identity - opportunity to learn different cultures Changes & Improvements reflecting customer’s needs, desires and preferences in order to perceive them as values
RESTAURANT PHOTOS Thai Corner Restaurant
RESTAURANT PHOTOS Brooklyn American Restaurant
RESTAURANT PHOTOS Italy House Restaurant
ATMOSPHERE Atmosphere Nice atmosphere is very important Relaxing atmosphere is important Atmosphere should reflect the culture Romantic atmosphere is desired Warm and welcoming atmosphere is desired Friendly atmosphere is important
FOOD & PERSONNEL Food Choice of the ethnic restaurant is influenced the most by the food quality. Personal Personnel should also reflect the country and the culture. Kind personnel is important.
RESULTS MODEL Internal physical elements Servicescape dimensions Atmosphere Environment Layout Furniture layout Area of the space CozinessAesthetics Interior design Decorative details AmbienceLightingMusicFragrance
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