National Rural Livelihoods Mission Aajeevika
Restructuring of SGSY SGSY restructured as NRLM for the following reasons Shortcomings experienced during implementation of SGSY Large scale initiatives of some states – A.P, Kerala, Bihar, TN and experiences of N.G.Os Steering Committee constituted by the Planning Commission for the 11 th Plan – 2007 Recommendations of Prof. Radhakrishna Committee
Key lessons from Experiences Even the poorest family can come out of abject poverty, in years provided: They are organized, build and nurture own institutions, and, provided continuous handholding support able to access thrift and credit in repeat doses, for meeting varied priority requirements. External finance of Rs. 1.0 lakh per family required 3
NRLM Goal: Poverty elimination through social mobilization, institution building, financial inclusion and a portfolio of sustainable livelihoods. VISION: Each poor family should have annual income of at least Rs.50,000 per annum Task: To reach out to 7.0 crore rural poor households and stay engaged with them till they come out of abject poverty 4
N.R.L.M - SOCIAL MOBILISATION Organising the poor, Inclusion of the poorest, Institutions of poor and their social capital drive all project initiatives Scaling up by community best practitioners Dedicated, professional, sensitive and accountable support structure to initiate the process Process intensive – hence phased approach 5
N.R.L.M - financial inclusion Financial inclusion at affordable cost holds the key Access to credit key to coming out of poverty. A minimum of Rs.1 lakh per family required, in several doses over a period of 5 – 6 years. Of this 90% has to come from financial institutions. This is the biggest constraint – as bank linkages not happening in most of the states
Strengthening Existing Livelihood s Critical livelihoods are: agriculture, livestock, forestry and non-timber forest produce Promote institutions around livelihoods M.K.S.P – special projects Promote end-to-end solutions, covering the entire value chain Key – knowledge dissemination. Development of community professionals in a large number
Skill Development and Placement Short-term placement linked, market driven training for 6 to 12 weeks to rural poor youth between the age of Implemented through private companies or NGOs. They are responsible for: skilling, placement, and post-placement tracking ( 1 – year) Up-scaling Skill development and placement through public- private partnerships – 1.0 crore youth over a period of 7 years Special initiatives for J&K, IAP Districts (78), Minority concentrated districts and North East Challenges – state missions need to gear up, and, at Ministry level – reforms in appraisal, monitoring
Rural Self Employment Training Institutes 526 RSETIs have started functioning Each RSETI will train 750 youth / year and enable them to start their enterprises RSETIs graded, based on multiple criteria ( state wise lists distributed to State RD Secretaries) MoU with N.A.R for capacity building Challenges: quality of RSETIs, linkages with D.R.D.A s, credit linkages for trainees
Transition from SGSY to NRLM Basic requirement for states: Setting up of a State Society or using an existing society Appointment of a full time CEO Recruitment of professionals at SPMU and approval for recruitment in the first phase districts/blocks Preparation of AAP/SPIP
Progress -NRLM Approval for rolling out of NRLM – 26 states/UT All States, except J&K, Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Daman and Diu, Andman and Nickobar Island, Laksdweep and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Appointment of fulltime Mission Director- 16 States (Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Bihar, Jharkhand, MP, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tripura, Mizoram, Puducherry)
Progress- NRLM Recruitment of SMMU core team -13 States (AP, Bihar, TN, Odisha, Kerala, Assam, Jharkhand, MP, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Tripura) Preparation and submission of AAP -23 states (J&K, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Bihar, Odisha, MP, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala, TN, AP, Assam, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland, HP, Pudducherry) Approval of AAP-10 States (AP, Bihar, TN, Odisha, Kerala, Assam, Jharkhand,, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, MP)
Implementation of NRLM For implementation of NRLM two approaches will be followed (i)Intensive approach in selected blocks/districts (ii)Non- Intensive approach in remaining blocks/districts The implementation will be in phases After 8 years all the blocks will be under intensive approach
Phasing strategy under NRLM YearDistrictsBlocks Phase I Phase II Phase III ( all balance districts)2100 Phase IV7 - 8( all districts would have been covered by phase III) ( all balance blocks)
Intensive approach What is intensive block? NRLM implementation in an intensified manner Dedicated 5 – 6 project staff Support system at District & State level with a team of domain experts Entitlement of Rs.300 lakh Community Investment Support per Block Saturation approach – 100% coverage of poor into S.H.G s – External C.R.P s for inducing the process – Creation of large pool of social capital – Food security, social security – Inclusion of most vulnerable
Expected Outcomes of Intensive Block All poor and poorest are covered under SHGs All SHGs switch over to ‘panchasutras’ All SHGs are federated at Village level Availability of Trained social capital Cadre of para professionals functioning as part of internal sensitive support system Self managed institutions of Poor at village, cluster/block level Poor HHs access multiple doses of investments Creation of sustainable livelihoods Enhancement of HH level incomes Internal C.R.P s
Non- Intensive blocks - approach Lean project staff at Block and district level Focus on few activities in the block Improving the quality of S.H.G s Effective utilization of Revolving fund, Promoting Bank linkages
Capacity building in non-intensive blocks SRLM hires a resource N.G.O, or, SIRD In turn N.G.O/ SIRD hires 15 – 20 State resource persons, and guides D.R.D.A s Each DRDA hires a resource N.G.O or 5 DRPs, SRLM trains the DRPs In each district 1 block is adopted initially for intensive capacity building
Flow of Activities in the Non-Intensive blocks Block divided into 4 clusters, and a 4 – 5 member team of E.Os or N.G.O resource persons Block team trained by the SRPs in social mobilization, institution building and C.R.P strategy This team and the resource N.G.O identify internal Community Resource Persons (C.R.Ps) and Capacity building resource professionals (CBRPs), within the block or within the district C.R.P teams and the CBRPs are given intensive training by DRPs- 4 weeks training for CBRPs and about 2 weeks training for CRPs
Flow of Activities in the Non-Intensive blocks Work starts in the block - C.R.P team spends 15 days in a village. The CBRP also stays in the village and follow up the work of CRP The C.R.P strategy is implemented for 2 years without interruption – by which team all the villages would have been covered. PRI reps, Bank managers, youth also get trained/exposed to best practices Bank mitra strategy introduced for effective bank linkages In each village, S.H.G book keepers are identified and trained by the CBRPs
Flow of Activities in the Non-Intensive blocks A forum of S.H.G s is formed and sub-committee system (bank linkage) is also introduced for working on SHG Bank linkages Community Based Recovery Mechanism (C.B.R.M) is operationalized Focus will be on building good quality S.H.G s and fostering S.H.G – bank linkages The district team will run several campaigns in this block for sensitizing the S.H.Gs to various social issues and building their capacities around livelihoods
Non-intensive blocks - Activities during Expansion Phase After 6 months of commencement of work in the 1st block, another 3 blocks are selected and the same process is repeated After 6 months, the balance blocks in the district are covered This will ensure that all S.H.G s in the district are trained and they are able to access bank loans without much trouble
Non-intensive blocks - Financial inclusion Build relationship with Banks Give banks annual S.H.G – bank linkage targets Provide assurance to them on repayment Continuous training and orientation of bankers Take ex-bankers as ‘Relationship managers’
Livelihoods and other initiatives Each district to identify its best livelihoods initiatives on ground working for more than 3 years – N.G.Os and C.B.Os Prepare a project for consolidation, deepening and horizontal expansion ( a 3 – 5 year plan) Sustainability plan to be an integral part of the project Empanel livelihoods resource organizations to help districts. Plans appraised at state level, with the help of experts and sanctioned
Micro enterprise development RSETIs – unique opportunity to train and nurture micro enterprises Take the support of EDI and other organizations working on micro enterprises
Skills and placement Effective monitoring of ongoing skills and placement projects Identify one A.P.O exclusively for skills and placement Youth counselling – one block as resource centre Post placement monitoring
Success Stories CMSA- Andhra Pradesh Convergence under NRLM/SGSY- Wayanad, Kerala Bank mitra – Bihar and A.P SHG Net working – West Bengal
Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture (CMSA)-SERP CMSA is meant to support poor farmers to adopt sustainable agriculture practices It reduces costs of cultivation and increase net incomes to improve and sustain agriculture based livelihoods 28 lakh Acres during Khariff were under CMSA benefitting lakh farmers in 8556 villages in 553 mandals of 22 districts
CMSA- AGRICULTURE AS VIABLE LIVELIHOODS Community managed sustainable agriculture holds immense promise A family can secure additional annual incomes of Rs.50,000 with 0.5 – 1.0 acre of land ( 0.25 to 0.50 acre irrigated to 0.75 acre rainfed lands ) Natural farming, multi layer, poly crop models for food security and sustainable livelihoods Convergence with MG NREGS to improve soil and moisture conservation, and, soil fertility
Historical Backdrop of the Initiation Wayanad The District faced agrarian crisis due to severe drought experienced – Fall in the price of Plantation crops – Coffee, Cardamom, Pepper. – Fall in agricultural Productivity 83% of People Depends Agriculture for livelihood. Alternative income generation schemes envisaged under SGSY and enquire the possibilities of convergence with other development schemes 30
Ponds constructed under MGNREGA spending an amount of Rs.3 Lakhs Employment was given to 45 ST wage seekers while digging the pond Pisciculture Unit at Panamaram Grama Panchayath in Mananthavady Block Panchayath A Self Help Group-Athira SHG-was formed consisting 10 members In one Pond fingerlings are reared and in another pond fishes are reared. The main source of income is selling fingerlings-
Co-operative Bank Panamaram sanctioned Rs.1 Lakh as loan and Rs.1 lakh as subsidy under SGSY. In one pond fingerlings are reared and in another pond fishes are reared. The unit is making Rs.35000/- every month They are regularly repaying bank loan.
Convergence with the Nutrition Programme of Social Welfare Department A Nutrimix Making Unit was formed at Vellamunda Panchayath to produce packed nutrition food An Agreement with Director, Social Welfare Department to purchase all the finished products to supply Anganvadi Children. Bank, sanctioned a loan amount of Rs.6,90,000/- and Rs.11000/- has been sanctioned as subsidy 11 Members are working in the unit and 3 of them belongs to Minority Communities On an average they earn Rs.64,000/- as income per month
They have an assured market since Social Welfare department will purchase all the final products
In Service Sector, Auto Rickshaws given to 8 women drivers in Edavaka Gram Panchayath. Out of the 8, 5 members belongs to Minority communiteis Given training in Driving with the help of AMRIT- (Ambedkar Memorial Rural Institute for Training) a Tribal Co-operative Society Rs. 11,29,600/- as loan and Rs.80,000/- as subsidy given Each member earn Rs.500/-per day as income.
Bank Mitra Scheme Bank Mitras are community members, positioned as customer relationship managers in rural bank branches Bank Mitras are provided space and computers in the bank branches and trained managing documentation for opening accounts loan applications etc. Bank Mitras support rural SHG women in banking transactions and they are also an asset for the under staffed rural branches. It improves quality of banking services for the rural poor The scheme is successfully implemented in AP & Bihar
Networking of SHGs- West Bengal Initiative Objective- Strengthening of SHG movement, providing benefits of various programme, empowerment of rural poor Four tiers of SHG based institutions – Starts from SHG – Up – Sangha at Gram Sansad ( VO) – Sangha at GP level – Mahasangha at Block level
Achievements 10 block level federations running MFI/CFI for providing credit to SHGs 4 BLF & 4 GP level federations manufacturing sanitary napkins to be supplied under NRHM BLF & GPLF cooking midday meal in schools supply to ICDS, supply of cooked diet to rural hospitals