The urticaria control test (UCT) The urticaria control test (UCT)
Diagnostic work up in urticaria Exclude differential diagnoses It‘s urticaria Exclude acute urticaria It‘s chronic urticaria Exclude chronic inducible urticaria (CIndU) (Can you make your wheals / angioedema come on?) It‘s chronic spontaneous urticaria Check for severe systemic inflammatory disease Disease activity?, Quality of life impairment?, Disease control? The special focus of this presentation is the urticaria control test (UCT).
Diagnostic work up in urticaria Exclude differential diagnoses It‘s urticaria Exclude acute urticaria It‘s chronic urticaria Exclude chronic inducible urticaria (CIndU) (Can you make your wheals / angioedema come on?) It‘s chronic spontaneous urticaria Check for severe systemic inflammatory disease Disease activity?, Quality of life impairment?, Disease control? The assessment of disease activity, quality of life impairment, and disease control is important for the management of CSU.
Diagnostic work up in urticaria Exclude differential diagnoses It‘s urticaria Exclude acute urticaria It‘s chronic urticaria Exclude chronic inducible urticaria (CIndU) (Can you make your wheals / angioedema come on?) It‘s chronic spontaneous urticaria Check for severe systemic inflammatory disease Disease activity?, Quality of life impairment?, Disease control? The special focus of this presentation is the urticaria control test (UCT).
How to assess disease activity, impact and control in chronic spontaneous urticaria UAS7 AAS CU-Q2oL AE-QoL UCT Activity: Quality of life: Control: The UCT is suitable for assessing patients with recurrent wheals, recurrent angioedema, or both. In contrast, the urticaria activity score (UAS7, for measuring disease activity) and the chronic urticaria quality of life questionnaire (CU-Q2oL, for assessing quality of life impairment) are suitable only for patients with wheals. In CSU patients who also have (or exclusively have) recurrent angioedema, the angioedema activity score (AAS) and the angioedema quality of life questionnaire (AE-Q2oL) should be used, respectively.
How to assess disease activity, impact and control in chronic spontaneous urticaria UAS7 AAS CU-Q2oL AE-QoL UCT Activity: Quality of life: Control: The UCT is suitable for assessing patients with recurrent wheals, recurrent angioedema, or both.
The urticaria control test (UCT) Weller et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2014, in press Purpose Assess disease control in patients with chronic urticaria Documentation Patient (4 questions) Evaluation Physician / Patient Ad Hoc evaluation Possible Assessment period 4 weeks The UCT is used to determine the level of disease control in patients with chronic urticaria. It consists of 4 questions with five answer options each. These questions are answered by the patient. This takes less than half a minute. The UCT is easy and quick to evaulate (less than half a minute). The UCT looks at the control of disease activity over the past 4 weeks.
The urticaria control test (UCT) Weller et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2014, in press The four questions of the UCT address the control of signs and symptoms of the disease (question 1), quality of life impairment (question 2), efficacy of treatment (question 3), and overall disease control (question 4).
The urticaria control test (UCT) Weller et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2014, in press 0 points 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points The scoring for the UCT is very easy. Each answer option is awarded 0 to 4 points, from no control (0 points) to complete control (4 points). Thus, a maximum of 4 points per question/answer and a total maximum of 16 points (= complete control) can be achieved.
The urticaria control test (UCT) Weller et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2014, in press 0 points 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points The more points patients score, the better their control of the disease.
0 to 16 points The urticaria control test (UCT) Weller et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2014, in press 0 to 16 points The lowest UCT score possible is 0 (no control) and the highest UCT score is 16 (complete control).
✔ ≥12 = The urticaria control test (UCT) Weller et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2014, in press The urticaria control test (UCT) Weller et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2014, in press ✔ ≥12 = A UCT score of 12 or greater indicates controlled disease. Values of 11 and lower reflect poor control and a need for better treatment.
Cross-culturally adapted versions of the UCT Denmark Finland UK Russia The Netherlands Poland Canada (French) Bulgaria Spain Canada (Engl.) Azerbaijan China USA France Turkey Greece Mexico Israel Japan Italy India Venezuela For more information and for obtaining available versions of the UCT, please visit or send an email to Background reading: Weller, K., Groffik, A., Church, M. K., Hawro, T., Krause, K., Metz, M, Martus, P., Casale, T., Staubach, P., Maurer, M. Development and Validation of the Urticaria Control Test - a patient reported outcome instrument for assessing urticaria control. J. Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014: in press. Brazil Australia South Africa April 2014 completed in progress in preparation
The urticaria control test (UCT) Weller et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2014, in press Should be used at every visit Provides quick and reliable information Allows for ad hoc assessment (e.g. at first visit) Helps to optimize management and treatment Valid for all forms of chronic urticaria (CSU and CIndU) Suitable for patients with wheals, angioedema, or both Take home messages: The UCT should be done routinely, during the first visit as well as at every follow up visit, to adapt the treatment to the activity and the control of the disease. The UCT allows for reproducible, validated and meaningful ad hoc assessment of disease control. Uncontrolled disease (UCT of 11 or lower) should prompt a change of treatment.