University of Toledo (UT) Intermodal Transportation Institute Status Report Ohio Conference on Freight September 17-18, 2007 Mark Vonderembse
Vision Statement To develop technology- enabled intermodal transportation systems and supply chains that promote economic development and quality of life.
Mission Statement To provide research, education and training, and planning and technical assistance in developing and maintaining technology enabled, efficient, secure, and environmentally sound transportation systems, supply chains, and logistic processes.
Focus Areas: Alternate Fuels, Infrastructure Utilization, and Supply Chain Applications Infrastructure Utilization Alternate Fuels Supply Chains Economic Vitality Based on an interdisciplinary approach that links engineering, technology, business, and geography and planning
5 ITI Organizational Structure ITI Director ITI Oversight Committee: VP for Research Development, Deans from Arts and Sciences, Business, Engineering, and Law Draw Resources from across UT as well as BGSU Advisory Board & Executive Committee: Public and Private Sector Organizations Assistant Director Half-Time Secretary
University of Toledo’s Evolving Role Activity As of January 2002 For Academic Year Ending June 30, 2007 Planned for Academic Year Ending June 30, 2008 Research0 projects 0 dollars 12 projects $696,000 (external funding) 14 projects $840,000 (external funding) Education Transportation Planning Geographic Information Systems Developed graduate certificate program in SCM Developed major in SCM for undergraduates Developing MS in Global Supply Chain Management Developing intermodal transportation component for new spatially integrated Social Science Ph.D. Add Ph.D. track in Supply Chain Management Add co-operative education option to undergraduate major Develop certificate program in logistics (associates degree level) Economic Development UT: no role in transportation- related economic development Participated in Economic Development Planning Lang Yard Intermodal Site at Toledo Express Airport Inland Port (Rail – Truck) Continuing Development Lang Yard Intermodal Site at Toledo Express Airport Inland Port (Rail – Truck)
Achieving Success Securing designation as a US DOT, University Transportation Center Relationship Building Identifying compelling projects: Bio-Diesel Study
U.S. Department of Transportation University Transportation Center Internationally recognized centers of excellence, fully integrated within institutions of higher learning Designed to advance U.S. technology and expertise in the many disciplines comprising transportation UT designated as a Tier II UTC and funded for $500,000 per year for four years ($2 million) UT is one of five members of a second UTC that is led by the University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) and funded for a similar amount
Relationship Building through Successful Projects Midwest Freight Research – Midwest Regional University Transportation Center (MRUTC) – AASHTO Mississippi Valley – Center for Freight Infrastructure Research and Education (CFIRE) Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute (GLMRI) Army Corp of Engineers International Cargo Handling and Coordination Association (ICHCA)
Midwest Freight Research Upper Midwest States Freight Study – Partnership with University of Wisconsin- Madison and University of Illinois-Chicago – UT holds the data for a seven state region Endorsed by CEOs of the DOTs for AASHTO Mississippi Region: Expanded to ten states Worked with UWM to secure funding for CFIRE, which is a National University Transportation Center
Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute Detroit to Windsor Ferry Crossing Study Great Lakes Maritime Information Delivery System: Phase I, II, and III – Basis for expanding shipping on the Great Lakes (Participants: Army Corp of Engineers, St. Lawrence Seaway Commission, Lake Carriers Association, US Coast Guard, and many others) Third meeting set of October 26, 2007 Establish Great Lakes Maritime Exchange
Army Corp of Engineers Funded to develop and maintain database for all docks and ports on the Great Lakes with GPS and dock capability data, Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway Transportation Rate Analysis – Successful technical review of last study – Leads to taking leadership for the next study
ICHCA: International Research and Education Panel UT and ICHCA are working together to create the panel – ICHCA is a membership organization of more than 1,000 transportation professionals from 80 countries – ICHCA promotes new technologies and best practice for efficient movement of goods by coordinating all modes of transportation – Partnership will identify and assemble resources from across the universities and bring them to bear on industry’s needs Regions of current activity: North America, North Africa, India, Korea, Japan, China, Australia, and Malaysia Third Panel meeting set for October 25 and 26 in Toledo, Ohio m/ (prior meetings Singapore) m/
BIO-Diesel Study Objectives: Evaluate the impact of using bio-diesel on operating costs, emissions, engine performance, and engine life at TARTA and the City of Toledo US DOT sponsored (funded for $1.5 million) Unique aspects of the project: – First study to do on-road testing of ultra-low sulfur diesel – First attempt to investigate the impact of using B-20 (20% bio-fuel and 80% diesel) made with ultra-low sulfur diesel – First study to examine the use of hydrogen gas as an additive to B-20 – Thorough testing: 60 vehicles, three years, more than 5 million miles – Life cycle costing – In-bus air quality tests in addition to tail pipe emission tests
Bio-Diesel Study: First Year Results Minimal costs to switch from ultra-low sulfur diesel to B-20 No significant difference in “on-going” operating costs B-20 had high mpg in some engines and some applications compared to diesel Maintenance costs and engine wear are similar Emission from tail pipe and inside the bus are similar Hydrogen injections increased mpg by about 10 % TARTA expected to expand the use of bio-diesel to 35 new buses it is purchasing
Rich Martinko, ITI and UTC Director Christine Lonsway, ITI and UTC Assistant Director Gloria Cook, Secretary