Enhancing GEF National Coordination, Communications & Outreach Uganda’s Experience: The National Convention Coordination Group (NCCG) The National Operational Focal Point Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development Kampala UGANDA
Introduction Uganda’s National Political/Operational Focal is held by the DST in the MFPED. The OFP ensures that GEF projects are country driven & based on national priorities. MFPED is responsible for overall national development planning and macro-economic framework. OFP heads a GEF National Steering Committee comprised of representatives from: MWE, MAAIF, NEMA, MUK, NCST, FPs for CBD, UNFCCC, UNCCD, POPs, SGP, GEF IAs and NGOs. All Convention Focal Points & GEF funded programmes are coordinated by the National Steering Committee under the OFP.
The National Steering Committee’s Mandate is to: Coordinate all GEF activities. Review all GEF project proposals and ensures that the are in line with the Government set policies in the Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP). Prioritise projects for GEF funding. Approve or reject project proposals for GEF funding. Provide oversight monitoring of the implementation of on-going GEF funded projects including site visits. Disseminate information on GEF to stakeholders. The NSC meets on a quarterly basis and is supported by two technical staff in MFPED that form its Secretariat.
National Convention Coordination Group (NCCG) Uganda is among 5 countries implementing a pilot project focusing on “Capacity Building to Alleviate Poverty through Synergistic Implementation of Rio MEAs’. The NCCG was established in 2005 with the objective to provide a framework for the individual and institutional collaboration for the synergetic implementation of the MEAs and acts as a Steering Committee to the MEAs project.
Membership of the NCCG Institutions actively involved in implementing various components of the MEAs, work through a collaborative network and facilitate coordination among the existing relevant ministries and stakeholders, these include: Focal points for the Multilateral Environment Agreements/Conventions: CBD, UNCCD, UNFCCC, Convention on Wetlands and International Waters; and Relevant key ministries: MWE, MAAIF & MFPED. MWE heads the NCCG.
Achievements A multi-stakeholder NCCG established and steers the project and developed partnership among its members. Ownership has been built through working together on 3- year work-plan, carrying out public awareness together. Resulted in shared vision. Dissemination of information on MEAs through the media. Dedicated project manager that provides backstopping to the NCCG. Established cooperation with other stakeholders, UNDP/GEF-SGP, grantees- NGOs and Schools. Plans sensitization of Parliamentary committee on Natural Resources.
Challenges The members of the NCCG are committed on their own jobs and take the NCCG activities as secondary. Difficulty in getting members to participate fully in the NCCG activities Proper communication strategy is still lacking. Coordination with the local governments is still weak and they have low capacity to implement MEAs – low awareness of MEAs. Data and information on MEAs are lacking.
Lessons Learnt Drawing broad participation of the key players through the NCCG has enhanced decision-making and implementation of MEAs. Through collaboration with the SGP facilitated resource mobilisation for micro grants through co-funding and joint activities, impact was realised. Some of the Communication programmes have been achieved through utilization of some of the existing programmes in the MWE. The beneficiary through their activities created awareness of MEAs.
Conclusion The Coordination of GEF programmes/ projects are streamlined within the existing Government institutions this has strengthened the ownership of the programmes/projects and are consistent with set national policies and priorities.
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