A member of AVERYS group.. Averys Headoffice is located in Paris.
Averys Group Companies & Products
Averys in the World.. 9 Company, 12 Manufacturing Plant China
GROUP SALES 3 Place in Europe among Rack Manufacturers Total Number of Employee Approximate number of customers..
R&D ( Research & Development) Center 600 m2 test area FEM regulation tests Product Development Know-how sharing Regulation follow-up Process conformity follow-ups
GROUP NON-PALLETISED PRODUCTS.. Post Seperation Unit (La Post-France) Steel Safety cup-board
STANDARD DEPO VE RAF SİSTEMLERİ AŞ Foundation year.. First & Innovative Acquasition to Company in the sector Averys Group m2 # of Employee Production Capacity (Ton/year) Utilized area İZMİT /TURKEY
COMPANY PROFILE The biggest ( Turn-over, machine park & production capacity wise) Rack manufacturer in the region of Balkans, Middle East, and Middle Asia.
WORKING ENVIRONMENT Our Employees serve their know-how and experiences to our esteem customers with a very effective & efficient way in their modern working environment.. Company age average is 34 with a 9 years of turn-over ratio..
Having crucial know-how & Technological background allow the company to be able to manufacture its own profiling lines.. Specific design to products.. Total 12 Roll-form machines.. PRODUCTION LINES
Innovative Welding Robot application.. Base Plate – Anchorage to the ground- welding is also performed by Robots. It is a unique application in the sector..
PRODUCTION LINES Technological leader in its sector by using 2 Electro-Static dye- house.. 2nd dyehouse, installed in 2008, is also unique with a full automatic and smart energy consumption.. Paint quality which is also recognised by its competitors..
PRODUCTION LINES Standardised production by minimum handwork and wide range of machine park.. Productivity increase by Lean Manufacturing Techniques..
PRODUCTION LINES Plant has a capability to manufacture its needs regarding tooling, major equipment and apparatus in the tooling shop..
PRODUCTION LINES “CE” certified “Mekik” - Shuttle has been manufactured in the company with a skilled and very innovative automation team.. Mekik provides unique advantages to its users with patent applied optional features.
WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT Our warehouse works with JIT – just in time- principle at which various racking system samples could be seen.. Our customers have a chance to observe operational usage of racking systems in the warehouse.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT All samples of industrial Pallet Racking systems are made into turn-key project with design, production and installation phases.. Installation is performed by our sub-contractors which work just for our company.. Installation teams consist of certified and experienced operators..
SILO ( Rack Clad Building) Racking System First application in Turkey (1992). More than 80 applications in the region. Biggest m2 - Silo System application in the region..
MEKIK – Shuttle- Racking System Application on more than Pallet place. The sole company manufacturing Racking & Shuttle together.
AS/RS System (Automatic Storage / Retrieval System) First Application in Turkey.. Still the only Turkish company to manage this full- automatic systems in the region. Projects with Japanese (Daifuku, Hirata), Korean (SMC), German (PSB) and Italian (QS & Cassioli) partners.
Multi-tier Racking System Special detailed solutions and unique project designs.. Design & production of Racking members as art-of-design mentality..
Selective – Back to Back- System Its own upright perforization and design.. 5 hooks connector design beams.. Robot welding beams.
Cantilever Racking System Special detailed solutions and unique project designs.. Design & production of Racking members as art-of-design mentality..
Drive-In Racking System Special design and configuration align with Seismic requirement and regulations. Special pallet rail specific to Drive-In system..
Light Duty Racking System Special detailed solutions and unique project designs.. Widest beam alternatives depend on the project requirements..
Integrated racking Systems Special detailed solutions and unique project designs.. Design & production of Racking members as art-of-design mentality..
EXPORT COUNTRIES Active in 4 continents 52 countries Active in 4 continents 52 countries
Thank you..