Ancient Greek Wars
Trojan War
Dates:Dates: Circa 1193 to 1183 BCCirca 1193 to 1183 BC Opponents:Opponents: Greece v. TroyGreece v. Troy Dates & Opposition
Mythology:Mythology: “Apple of Discord,” Helen of Troy“Apple of Discord,” Helen of Troy Fact:Fact: May have been caused by an economic rivalryMay have been caused by an economic rivalry Major Events & Facts
Aphrodite Helen Does she seriously think she can compete with a true goddess like me? Zeus Are you jealous sister? I married a mighty Spartan King AND I have a prince drooling over me?
HeraAphroditeAthena Eris How DARE I don’t get invited to the biggest party ever! I’ll show them. {EVIL LAUGH}
Eris Zeus Paris Zeus! I demand that you give this golden apple to the fairest goddess! No way! I’m not that stupid! Paris, you pick! Umm…ok!
Pick me! I’ll make the most beautiful woman fall in love with you! Pick me! I’ll provide you with great power! HeraAphroditeAthena Pick me! I’ll provide you with great military strength! ?
HelenParis I choose Aphrodite so I can have a beautiful woman! Luckily for Paris, Aphrodite kept her promise. Paris & Helen left Greece and traveled to Troy to live happily ever after!!! Until…
Achilles I want to come too. I just hope my weak heal doesn’t cause any problems. King Menelaus of Sparta & his brother King Agamemnon of Mycenae OMG! Helen has been kidnapped by Paris! Brother, join me & the other kings of Greece. We will set sail for Troy with 1,000 ships tomorrow! I WILL get my woman back!
Hector (Paris’ Brother in Troy) Paris Brother, I seem to have started a war with the Greeks…will you come to my defense? I AM the greatest of the Trojan warriors. Those Greeks are no match for the brave men of Troy! I’m off to kill some Greeks!
Achilles (Greece) Hector (Troy) One-On-One Battle… Achilles is Victorious! Patroclus is DEAD!?!? He thinks he can get away with killing my cousin? I’ll show him! I’m dead!!
Paris Achilles (Greece) Remember Me??...Bye, Bye Achilles!!! MUAHAHA! I’m dead!!
We’ve been at this for years and can’t Get past those walls. Now what? Odysseus I have a plan…. It’s a little risky, but I think it will work! v=IOHOHDqmNc0
Greeks traveled to Troy by 1000 shipsGreeks traveled to Troy by 1000 ships 10 year siege; first 9 years uneventful10 year siege; first 9 years uneventful Major Figures:Major Figures: Hector, Achilles, OdysseusHector, Achilles, Odysseus Major Events & Facts
Winner Winner:Winner: GreeceGreece Burned Troy to the groundBurned Troy to the ground
Persian War
Dates:Dates: 499 – 448 BC499 – 448 BC Opponents:Opponents: Greece v. PersiaGreece v. Persia Dates & Opposition
Major Events & Facts For hundreds of years Greek people had lived in IoniaFor hundreds of years Greek people had lived in Ionia 546 BC:546 BC: Persians conquered IoniaPersians conquered Ionia Ionian Greeks revolted; received aid from mainland GreeksIonian Greeks revolted; received aid from mainland Greeks
Major Events & Facts Important Battles:Important Battles: Battle of MarathonBattle of Marathon Battle of ThermopylaeBattle of Thermopylae Battle of SalamisBattle of Salamis
Winner Winner:Winner: GreeksGreeks Athenians take credit for the victory; for the Delian LeagueAthenians take credit for the victory; for the Delian League
Peloponnesian War
Dates:Dates: 431 – 404 BC431 – 404 BC Opponents:Opponents: Athens v. SpartaAthens v. Sparta Dates & Opposition
Major Events & Facts Civil warCivil war Different strengths; evenly matchedDifferent strengths; evenly matched WHY?WHY? Athens – SEA POWERAthens – SEA POWER Sparta – LAND POWERSparta – LAND POWER
Eventually the Spartans were able to trap the Athenians against the seaEventually the Spartans were able to trap the Athenians against the sea 404 BC:404 BC: Sparta captured AthensSparta captured Athens Refused to burn it to the groundRefused to burn it to the ground WHY?WHY? Major Events & Facts
Winner Winner:Winner: SpartaSparta Ended Athenian domination of the Greek worldEnded Athenian domination of the Greek world