Rod Lenfest Transmission & Business Development The Impact of Technology Selection on Stakeholder Acceptance & Permitting EUCI Conference San Diego, California
Where is the Routing? Where is the Routing? Who are the Stakeholders? Who are the Stakeholders? What is the Technology? What is the Technology? What are the Impacts? What are the Impacts?
Juan de Fuca Cable Project Juan de Fuca Cable Project Vancouver Island Cable Project Vancouver Island Cable Project Technology Technology Permitting Requirements Permitting Requirements Consultation and Collaboration Consultation and Collaboration
Project Description - Location Connects converter stations near existing substations. Proposed length on B.C. side:12 km Proposed length on WA side: 3 km Length at sea: 34 km Victoria to Port Angeles: 49 km Approximate cable lengths:
Process involves: Environmental studies Evaluation of study results Consultation with stakeholders Decision based on technical feasibility, minimizing environmental impacts Route Selection Methodology
Aerial view of possible line route from foreshore, under Liberty Street to proposed converter station location in Port Angeles
-First Nations on southern Vancouver Island; Indian and Northern Affairs Canada; plus the Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group who may have possible interest in marine issues. -Involved Municipal and Regional Governments including the Mayors and Council members from Port Angeles, Esquimalt, View Royal, Highlands, Saanich and the Capital Region District. -BC Hydro, BCTC, BPA
- Other Canadian and British Columbian agencies including the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency; Department of National Defense; Canadian Forces Base – Esquimalt; Environment Canada; Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Transport Canada; BC One Line; BC Safety Authority; Canadian Coast Guard-Vessel Traffic Services; Victoria Port Authority; Land and Water BC, Inc.; BC Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources; BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management; BC Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts; BC Ministry of Transport; and the Pacific Pilotage Authority. - All involved Chambers of Commerce and economic development corporations. - The Commercial fishers.
Environmental non-governmental organizations, such as the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS); the David Suzuki Foundation; Sierra Club of Canada – BC Chapter; Victoria and Esquimalt Harbour Environmental Action Program (VEHEAP); BC Sustainable Energy Association; Dogwood Initiative; Georgia Straight Alliance; Georgia Straight Crossing Coalition; Living Oceans Society; Victoria and Esquimalt Harbour Society and the Northwest Energy Coalition. - Other utilities and corporations, including Alcan, ENMAX Power Corp., EPCOR Power Services Ltd., FortisBC, Teck Cominco Ltd. Telus, Terasen Gas, Group Telecom, Southern Railway, Canadian Railway / Rail America, and TransAlta. - Property owners directly affected by cable siting.
HVDC Light ® Technology State-of-the-Art HVDC light ® Technology State-of-the-Art HVDC light ® Technology Low environmental impact Low environmental impact No fluctuating electro- magnetic field (EMF) No fluctuating electro- magnetic field (EMF) Non-liquid insulation Non-liquid insulation Gotland HVDC Light® cables. Photo courtesy of ABB.
…Technology All cables buried - No overhead lines AC transmission: HVDC Light ® : AC transmission: HVDC Light ® :
HVDC Light® converter stations provide voltage stability to existing transmission grids...Technology Converter station needed to convert DC to AC and vice versa
Stakeholder Consultation and Collaboration Emphasis for Public Consultation Collaboration with Towns Technology: - no fluctuating EMF - buried facilities - enclosed converter stations - well-understood installation Other Projects - Neptune - Murraylink, Directlink - Cross-Sound Cable - European Experience Expected Impacts -Similar to installation of utilities - traffic disruption, noise - quick installation Technology: - no fluctuating EMF - buried facilities - enclosed converter stations - well-understood installation Other Projects - Neptune - Murraylink, Directlink - Cross-Sound Cable - European Experience Expected Impacts -Similar to installation of utilities - traffic disruption, noise - quick installation Utilities: -Water pipelines -Sewer pipelines -Other utilities -Third-party utilities Other Infrastructure: -Sidewalks, traffic control -Pavement, road improvements Public Benefits -Parks -Bike paths, walking trails Utilities: -Water pipelines -Sewer pipelines -Other utilities -Third-party utilities Other Infrastructure: -Sidewalks, traffic control -Pavement, road improvements Public Benefits -Parks -Bike paths, walking trails
Current in Two Lines
…Technology Static magnetic field is similar to the Earth’s magnetic field Magneticfields cancel out
Terrestrial Installation
Project Description – I nstallation On Land: Diagram of cable installation beneath road right-of-way Cables buried all the way to converter stationCables buried all the way to converter station
Installation – Marine to Terrestrial Transition Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) will be used to avoid adverse environmental effects. A versatile technology that uses a precision-guided directional system to bore a hole through soil or rock. Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) will be used to avoid adverse environmental effects. A versatile technology that uses a precision-guided directional system to bore a hole through soil or rock. As a result, the intertidal zone would be undisturbed by cable installation. An HDD rig Photo courtesy of the Crossing Company
Horizontal Directional Drilling …installation & construction Rivers and riparian areasRivers and riparian areas Intertidal zone.Intertidal zone. Minimizes impacts to sensitive aquatic habitats:
Project Description – I nstallation Adjacent to rail tracks: cable installation within railway right-of-way
Environmental Permitting Requirements Proposed Marine Studies Proposed Terrestrial Studies Physical: - Bathymetry - Geotechnical - Terrain and obstacles - Archaeology - Offshore core sampling Biological - Mammals - Fisheries - Birds - Nearshore ecosystem Socio-economic studies - Traditional use and knowledge Physical: - Bathymetry - Geotechnical - Terrain and obstacles - Archaeology - Offshore core sampling Biological - Mammals - Fisheries - Birds - Nearshore ecosystem Socio-economic studies - Traditional use and knowledge Physical: -Geotechnical -Hydrology -Archaeology -Noise Biological -Wildlife and avifauna -Vegetation Socio-economic studies - Public Health, Safety Physical: -Geotechnical -Hydrology -Archaeology -Noise Biological -Wildlife and avifauna -Vegetation Socio-economic studies - Public Health, Safety Sea Breeze is committed to a high standard of consultation with any individuals or groups who may be affected by the Project.
Our experience shows: - that once the technology is explained, both local governments and the public readily accept a transmission project involving HVDC Light. - it is important to follow a systematic routing method, with key stakeholder consultation and public relations as a critical part of the process. - meeting with town civil engineers and stressing the opportunities for collaboration is a key step in highlighting the benefits of HVDC Light transmission systems. Our experience shows: - that once the technology is explained, both local governments and the public readily accept a transmission project involving HVDC Light. - it is important to follow a systematic routing method, with key stakeholder consultation and public relations as a critical part of the process. - meeting with town civil engineers and stressing the opportunities for collaboration is a key step in highlighting the benefits of HVDC Light transmission systems. Summary