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You should be working on your last note catcher. Yesterday we combined our note catchers to make a packet will all 5 note catchers. Yesterday we began filling out a timeline.
Final Note-Catcher due on Monday (5/18/15). Timeline (with 10 events) due Monday (5/18/15). TONIGHT, fill out the information for the first event in your Timeline project packet. We will be putting the timeline information into a PowerPoint NEXT WEEK.
Read the speech silently to yourself.
Listen as I read the speech aloud. Follow on your copy.
5 minute challenge: ◦ Translate the 1 st paragraph into modern day English. (1-3 sentences). “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
Main IdeaQuestion to help us uncover the main idea: In the first sentence, what does Lincoln tell us about this new nation? 1.How long is “four score and seven years ago”? 2.Who are “our fathers”? 3.What is he saying is significant about America? 4.Is he saying that no one has been free or equal before? 5.List the 2 ways in which the nation is new. What happened four score and seven years ago? 1.What important thing happened in 1776? 2.What does Lincoln tell us in this first sentence about what happened 87 years ago? 3.Based on the text, what might conceived mean? 4.Based on the text, what might proposition mean?
5 minute challenge REDO: ◦ Translate the 1 st paragraph into modern day English now that we have taken a closer look at it. (1-3 sentences). “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
Pre (Before) Proposition- Endure- Consecrate- Vain - Post (After) Proposition- Endure- Consecrate- Vain -
1. Post your sticky note. 2. Work on timeline project. (Fill in the next 2 rows.) Homework: You should have the first 3 rows of yours timeline packet filled in.
Proposition – a proposed plan of action Endure – to remain alive or continue to exist Consecrate – to declare something sacred or holy Vain – without success Need to know more? Click here definitions definitions
1. P1 - What are 2 characteristics of the nation our founding fathers created? 2. P2 - What is going to be decided by this civil war? 3. P2 - Why have they gathered on the battlefield? 4. P3 - Who is responsible for turning the battlefield into a sacred place? 5. P3 - According to Lincoln, how can the people who are still alive make the death of the soldiers worth something? 6. P3 - What 4 things does Lincoln want from his listeners and his country?
The characteristics of the nation our Founding Fathers created are freedom and equality. In his speech Lincoln says, “a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” This means that the nation was created by freedom and planned with the idea that all people should be treated equally.