Which should I Buy?
XBOX 360PLAYSTATION 3 Gamers Gamers Media Enthusiasts 14 +
XBOX 360PLAYSTATION 3 Halo Series Can run games from HDD Media Streaming Internet Browser Playstation Home Blu-Ray player ( Bigger Games ) Home Free Online Gaming Media Streaming Internet browser
XBOX 360PLAYSTATION 3 Xbox Live (Gold, Silver) Gold = yr Achievement System Playstation Network Free! Trophy System
Wii is a separate type of gaming console, not meant for the “Extreme” gamer, it’s more geared to the casual or family gamers.
Device Some games suitable for ages 6+, majority for 8+ Made by Nintendo Feels like it is geared more towards younger users, however, still has great fun and features for college age and above
Great Games Great classic games came back for another round with the Wii, very popular titles include Wii ResortSuper Smash Brothers Brawl Mario Kart WiiSuper Mario Bros. Wii (11/15 Release)
Accessories and Controllers The usual box comes with 1.) Wiimote, and 1.) Nunchuk. For most games, this is adequate for a 1 player scenario. Additional controllers will be necessary to purchase, like with most systems, for 1-3 additional players.
System Price/game prices Memory Backwards compatibility MediaDownload contentCost to play online Ps3 $299 $60 New Game 160gig Expandable NoneBlu-rayGames, MoviesFREE Xbox360 $199 $299 $60 New Game 20gig or 60gig or 120gig Some from first Xbox DVD, HD-DVD Adapter Available Games, Movies 7.99$ a month, 60.00$ a year Wii $199 $50 New Game 512megGameCube games DVD (can’t play DVD movies) GamesFree Dsi $170 $30 New Game 256megNoneCartridgesGamesFree PSP-Go$250 Est. 5$ to 15$ per new game 16gigNoneNone – All is stored Internally GamesFree