Gary Martin EL (Title III) Consultant ONGL-Division of Learning Services Diverse Learners Branch BOY September 23 Begins 9 AM.


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Presentation transcript:

Gary Martin EL (Title III) Consultant ONGL-Division of Learning Services Diverse Learners Branch BOY September 23 Begins 9 AM

 Welcome  Infinite Campus Overview of Title III Data  User Rights and the IC Support Process  Immigrant Data & Requirements for Funding Eligibility  Status Types for LEP (EL) and Definitions  LEP Data & Requirements for Funding Eligibility  Data Extract and Critical Errors  Transfers  Q & A 2

 Meet the Office for Civil Rights program requirements for the education of English Learners  Provide KDE and the Title III Program data to help support districts as they work with their English Learners and Immigrant students to: ◦ Understand eligibility requirements for federal and state funding ◦ Choose a research-based educational approach ◦ Identify and assess these students ◦ Develop and implement a research-based program of services ◦ Provide appropriate staffing and resources ◦ Implement federal and state criteria for transitioning students from services ◦ Monitor transitioned students ◦ Periodically evaluate and improve their program by decision-making based on data 3

 Specific data elements for ELs must be collected to ensure that accurate data will be used in federal reporting and as the basis for funding allocations  Data collection in IC includes student demographics, LEP Service type, ACCESS for ELLs® test scores, Instructional Accommodations and Assessment Accommodations  Users need to follow the IC Data Standards that explain each field for correct data entry!!  Standards.aspx Standards.aspx 4

Immigrant information Enrollment (Student Information> General> Enrollments) LEP Record, LEP Assessments, LEP Services, LEP Instructional and Assessment Accommodations LEP Tab (Student Information> Program Participation> LEP) Home Primary Language, Birth Country, Date Entered U.S. Demographics (Census> People) 5

 To access Campus Tabs & Tools discussed in this session: ◦ You may need additional tool rights to access the features mentioned in this presentation ◦ Contact your Infinite Campus District Point of Contact (POC) to obtain the proper tool rights if needed ◦ /Pages/KSIS-District-Contacts.aspx /Pages/KSIS-District-Contacts.aspx 6


 For Title III purposes, an immigrant student: ◦ is aged 3 through 21; ◦ was not born in any State, which is defined by the US Department of Education as one of the 50 United States, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. (Adopted children from other countries and children born on military bases are included in this definition for Title III) ◦ has NOT been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for more than 3 full academic years 9

 Federal Immigrant Awards go to eligible entities with significant increase as compared to the average of the two preceding fiscal years. LEA’s are awarded a base allocation determined by the number increased. Remainder of award distributed by the number of students served.  Immigrant and Title III LEP are awarded as separate Subgrants.

 To be eligible for Title III immigrant funding, a student has to meet these conditions: ◦ the federal definition of immigrant children and youth ◦ be enrolled in an elementary or secondary school ◦ have a date in “Date Entered US School” in the Demographics tab that is not more than 3 years 11

 Student Information>General>Enrollment Tab>Enrollment Editor>State Reporting Fields 12

Active LEP record. Basic LEP information. LEP LEP ACCESS assessment results. LEP Assessment Program types of services for LEP students. LEP Services Lists recognized effective instructional accommodations and allowable assessment accommodations for LEP students. LEP Accommodations 15

 Not LEP– student who is screened for English language proficiency because he/she comes from a non-English background, and upon initial assessment of English language proficiency scores Fully English Proficient (FEP).  LEP – student who has been federally defined and in Kentucky scores less than 5.0 on the W-APT Screener for grades 1-12; Kindergarten students do not exit until they reach FEP on the 1 st grade ACCESS.  Exited LEP– a student, after having been designated LEP based on the initial assessment of English language proficiency, subsequently scores FEP on the ACCESS assessment of English language proficiency and enters a monitoring status for two years. 17

LEP Extract (October 1) Critical Errors Correction Transfer Information Gary Martin

Critical Error: Home Language 0400: English (will not pull data) Warning: Home Language 1630: Other (will pull data)

Gary Martin

 default.aspx default.aspx  EL-Testing.aspx EL-Testing.aspx  Gary Martin