Mini Class: Weights and Measures
Nutrition (1000) Menu Planning (1100) Write standardized recipes, and use Food Buying Guide (1140) Operations (2000) Food Production (2100) Understand and effectively prepare food using a standardized recipe (2110) Complete a food production record and other required paperwork (2120) Properly use and care for equipment (2140) Serving Food(2200) Identify/serve portions of food items according to USDA school meal patterns requirements and diet restrictions.(2210)
Objectives Identify weights and measures (volume) units and tools Differentiate between “ounces” and “fluid ounces” Recognize when to use weight and when to use volume Know how to do a simple yield study
Recipes can indicate the amount of each ingredient in two ways…. Weight and volume
Weight Pound, ounce, gram, kilogram Volume Cup, pint, quart, gallon, fluid ounce, teaspoon, Tablespoon, milliliter, liter I -5
Which are volume? Which are weight?
VOLUME: Fluid Ounce Fl. Oz 8 fl. oz of milk = 1 cup WEIGHT: Ounce Oz. 16 oz of beef= 1 pound THIS IS A COMMON AREA OF CONFUSION
Use volume to measure liquid ingredients and other ingredients in amounts less than two ounces (4 tablespoons). Volume Measures milliliter teaspoon tablespoon fluid ounce cup pint quart gallon
Visual 10 VOLUME: TOOLS Measuring spoons measure small volumes
Visual 11 VOLUME: TOOLS Use flat-topped measuring cups to measure dry ingredients by volume
Visual 12 VOLUME: TOOLS Graduated dry measures have a flat top, but also have visual measures along the sides.
Spoon into the container Level off the top
Visual 14 VOLUME: TOOLS Graduated Liquid Measures have a pouring lip instead of a flat top. They can be clear, so you can read them from a flat surface, or ringed, so you look down into the measure to see the liquid level.
Pour into container Visually identify the liquid surface at the appropriate line If clear, go to eye level and read from the outside If opaque, visualize level inside container
I -16 The size of a scoop indicates the number of portions per quart.
I -17 The size of a ladle or spoodle is written as oz, but it measures FLUID OUNCES
Always measure ingredients in the largest appropriate container. * What is the exception? Why?
Digital Scale: Small sizes 2 oz meat
Traditional Scale: Heavier weights lbs. Baking – 7.5# of Whole Wheat Flour
Tare (zero- out) the scale Can tare with the container Place the container for the ingredient on the platform. Be sure the pointer is on zero when you begin.
Weighing is faster Weighing is more accurate Weighing requires a kitchen scale Volume uses common tools In U.S. home recipes, volume is more common
MEASURE WEIGHT Meats Cheese Nuts & Seeds Grains* *Exhibit A, Groups A-G use weight, Groups H & I can use either weight or volume. MEASURE VOLUME Fruits & Vegetables including legumes used as M/MA Nut butters (peanut butter) Yogurt Cooked pasta (H)* Cooked oats/rice (H)* Ready to eat cereal (I)* Milk
2 oz 1/2 c 1/4 c # # 1/ c 25 c 100
Some recipes do not show both volume and weight. If conversion factors between weight and volume are in the Food Buying Guide, you can use them.
1. Measure the volume of a pre-weighed package 2. Check at least 6 packages 3. Best if done by more than one person 4. Keep your data Yield Study XYZ Brand Salad Mix, 5 # bag Date Who? Volume in cups 8-JanMaria20 1/4 10-JanBeth17 3/4 12-JanBeth19 3/4 15-JanKim18 1/2 17-JanMaria17 3/4 19-JanKim19 1/2 Average 19
So, on your production record, if preparing 100 servings and every student is to receive 2 ounces of cooked ground beef, how much would your raw meat preparation weight be? 2 ounces x 100 serving = 200 ounces Convert 200 ounces to lbs. 200/16 =12.5 # of cooked meat is needed..75 x (raw meat in #) =12.5# cooked 12.5/.75 or lbs of raw ground beef 16 2/3 # raw
Teaspoon T=Tablespoon O=Fluid Ounce
Use this chart as a resource to ease written communication and avoid production errors. I -35
I -36
Measures (Volume) FLUID OUNCES are not the same as weight ounces Units: Teaspoon, Tablespoon, cup, pint, quart, gallon, milliliter, liter Tools: spoons, liquid & dry measures Technique: Level dry ingredients, View liquid ingredients Use volume for liquids, fruits, vegetables, small amounts
Weights Units: Pounds, ounces, grams, kilograms Tools: Digital scale, Traditional scale Techniques: Tare and weigh Use weight for Meats, cheeses, nuts, seeds, and most grain foods. More accurate, faster