Dr. David A. Kaiser Marie Whitaker Brigham Young University NACADA Region 10 Albuquerque, NM
Most collegiate advising settings will employ students in some capacity. In order to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of our advising operations - student employee training is critical.
The purpose of this presentation is to present a unique student employee training program that is used by several entities at Brigham Young University, including the University Advisement Center, Preprofessional Advisement Center, Academic Support Office, University Career Services, and the Counseling Center. The students from each of these areas participate collectively in general training sessions, followed up by focused training in their respective specific work area.
Share an advisement student employee training program that addresses each of the following content areas: Customer service standards Team building and cross-training Individual area training Professional/personal development of the individual student
Objectives: Greeting customers Professional phone skills Professional correspondence Going that extra step for customers “The buck stops here” Dealing with difficult customers
Delivery Methods New employee training Professional development plans (individualized goals) Customer service s and recognition Online skills trainings Group meetings
Objectives: Eliminate/reduce the silos that develop All frontline employees will know “who’s who” in the other departments Employees can accurately direct those who request to see specific individuals Foster a way to recognize employees for their contributions Foster an environment of collegiality and respect
Delivery Methods: Meet as a group at least once per semester Getting to know our leadership Making it fun Have resources for students to get to know more about the other areas Observation hours in other areas early in their employment Have student recognitions: Spot Awards Student Appreciation Lunches Customer Service s
Delivery Methods: Have resources for students to get to know more about the other areas
Delivery Methods: Observation hours in other areas early in their employment
Delivery Methods: Have student recognitions: Spot Awards Student Appreciation Lunches Customer Service s
Preprofessional Advisement Center
Providing quality customer service is first priority. Confidentiality is of utmost important (understand FERPA and interactions with students). Honesty : Honesty in the workplace means being honest with property and work time. Business materials and supplies should not be used for personal affairs. Facilitate student employee’s application to professional school.
Serve in your position to the best of your ability with a willingness to support, advocate, and promote office values, goals, policies, and procedures. Exhibit professionalism in conduct and speech at all times. Respond to direction and constructive criticism in a positive manner. Become knowledgeable about and committed to the programs and projects in your area.
Be supportive of your supervisors and co-workers when in conversation with others. Follow appropriate reporting lines when reporting grievances or criticism. Do your assigned job better than anyone else. Work as part of a team. Apply the principles you learn in training. Demonstrate a cheerful and positive attitude toward your job.
Begins with the interviewing of potential new student employees New employee orientation (communication of expectations) New employee training Staff meetings Follow up and feedback from supervisor
This is a very unique and positive element of our student employee training program. We are not just concerned about what we need to have student employees do while they are working for us. We need to be sure that they are gaining skills that will be of benefit to them. Part of our responsibility regarding student employees is to train them for their future.
Professionalism Communication Skills Add to student’s skill set (specific skills)
Orientation session will include a review of the handbook with new hires. Supervisor discusses issues with individual employee. Supervisor reviews standards/expectations with employees as they approach pay/level advancements.
With consistent turnover of student employees, there is a definite need for on- going student employee training. Optimizing this training has significant benefits. Not only will this result in increased effectiveness of our advising operations, but we help students be more prepared for their future.