What is a Memoir? A memoir is a piece of autobiographical writing, usually shorter in nature than a autobiography.
A memoir does not begin with your birth and end with your current age. While an autobiography often covers a long time period and provides many details, a memoir deals with events related to a specific theme.
A memoir may be more emotional and concerned with capturing particular scenes, or a series of events, rather than documenting every fact of a person's life (Zuwiyya, N. 2000).
Although a memoir is true, the events are told in a way that makes it seem like a fictional work. This makes the story much more interesting to the reader.
Candy and Me (A Love Story) Hilary Liftin In this memoir, Liftin chronicles her life through candy memories and milestones. Listen as I read a couple of excerpts from the book and start thinking about your favorite candy from childhood or now even.
As a young boy of 3, I used to sneak in the fridge and run my finger through the butter; I loved butter. I craved it. One day at my granny’s house, I was helping her put groceries up and saw a different kind of butter. I recognized the word butter, but didn’t know why it was brown. I was a very picky eater so I’d never tried this “brown butter”. I tried it and suddenly I had a new favorite craving. I started trying anything that had peanut butter in it from that day on. My granny made peanut butter cookies for me, my mom bought me peanut butter ice cream, and my dad made peanut butter chip pancakes. And I ran my finger through the peanut butter every chance I got! One day at Bi-lo, my granny asked me if I had tried Reese’s Cups. I hadn’t, so of course, she bought me one. It was all over after that. Now, I am a Reese’s Cup fiend! I like the white chocolate ones, the ones with extra peanut butter in them, the Reese’s Egg at Easter, and the Reese’s Tree at Christmas. I don’t like the dark chocolate ones. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not a big sweets eater, but I will always accept a Reese’s Cup. My mama says I like them so much because my granny bought me my first one. I do miss her, so that might have something to do with it, but I think it’s because chocolate and peanut butter is just the perfect combination! R.J. Beaty
Time to Write: I have a ton of candy here. Hopefully, I have something that you like now or liked as a kid. Hopefully, you have a fond memory (or even a not so fond memory) surrounding that particular candy. Hopefully, you will be able to concoct a sweet piece of writing. Grab your choice of candy, hold it in your hand, smell it, eat it, listen to the crinkle of the wrapper, and write your candy story.