Web Basics (Scary Acronyms Demystified)
HTML Acronyms And your website… CSS URL HTTP SSL SMTP DNS RSS API ERQ iCAL Yippie! We have an Awesome website… What’s is HTML? What’s my IP?..CSS, RSS, ERQ? … I can handle this! Wait a second… Arggg!... …What does it all mean?
About Us This placeholder text is for formatting purposes only. Remove before launch. HTML Hypertext Markup Language Everything between these two tags will appear bold. Bold it is!
CSS About Us This placeholder text is for formatting purposes only. Remove before launch. Cascading Style Sheet h1 { color:#d98a15; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } h1{ color:#d98a15; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } The CSS is saying “Make every tag used on the page (or in the site) the certain color, font and size.
RGB Red Green Blue Pictures displayed on your computer screen utilize a combination of these three colors.
URL Uniform Resource Locator This is how you communicate where you want to go and what you want to see on the Internet. This is the URL
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol When you see the “S” it means that data is being transmitted and displayed in a secure (SSL) manner. is the protocol of this URL
SSL Secure Sockets Layer When you see the “S” after http it means that data is being transported and displayed in a secure manner. Credit Card Numbers Personal Data Login Information Sending Forms Look for the “s” and the lock Hover over the logo for more information.. How do we know it is secure?
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Servers use the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol to transfer electronic mail back and forth. Your client can also use SMTP to send to a server.
DNS Domain Name System Life is easier thanks to the many DNS servers out there on the Internet. We type text DNS Interprets and Translates Directs to IP Somesite’s home page is displayed in your browser.
IP Internet Protocol Your IP address is a set of 4 groupings of numbers that identifies the network you are on and which computer you are using. Here I Am…
RSS RDF, Rich, or Really Simple Syndication What this means to me…. Syndication of Web Content Common Usage: News Feeds Headlines Audio Excerpts from discussion forums/blogs…
API Application Programming Interface iWeather iPollen Ms. Sunny Days Mr. Al Ergies iWeather Check the Pollen Count Here Find out what the weather will be like for your area this weekend. How Programmers make programming easier!
ERQ Enhancement Request We take your suggestions. Put them on a list. Our developers, when it’s possible, will implement them where they can into the software. We like to get feedback and suggestions from the users of our software….That’s You!
FILE TYPES - GIF = (Graphic Interchange Format) - JPEG = (Joint Photographic Experts Group) - PNG = (Portable Network Graphics) - TIFF = (Tagged Image File Format) - AVI = (Audio Video Interleaved) - MOV = (QuickTime Movie) - AIFF = (Audio Interchange File Format) - MP3 = (MPEG-1 Layer III Audio Stream Sound file) - PDF = (Portable Document Format) - MPEG = (Motion Picture Experts Group) - TXT = (Plain Text File) - DOC = (Word Document) - XML = (Extensible Markup Language) - XLS = (Excel File) Even file types are acronyms for something. With each file type comes a set of characteristics and common properties including, what types of programs can view the file. DID YOU KNOW?
SUMMARY Not an Acronym…. You have the knowledge. You have the control. Now go ahead and enjoy working with your finalsite website. Don’t be afraid anymore!