Elizabeth Cady Stanton – The Woman‘s Bible Nina Foroozan, Alexander Niemann, Julia Pehl
Elizabeth Cady Stanton * † first: abolitionist with her husband and cousin then: focused on women's rights wanted women to be able to vote leading figure in women's right movement
declined supporting the 14th and 15th Amendment women's right movement split up because many women did not agree with Stanton's opinions National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) (founded by Stanton and Anthony) American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) gap between other leaders and Stanton got wider Stanton: Christianity leads to an unacceptable female position in society
The Woman‘s Bible: Facts and Background published in 1895 and 1898 background: Church of England published a Revised Version of the Bible Stanton was dissatisfied with it committee committee wanted to proof that the bible is the main source for people believing that women are inferior to men
The Woman‘s Bible: Content Stanton claims that apart from religious institutions, social and political institutions have the same idea of women being inferior to men: → civil law, state, legislators, all political parties
Some examples of the Women’s position in the Bible: → brought sin and death → precipitated the fall of race → was arraigned before the judgment seat of heaven → Marriage for her was to be a condition of bondage → Maternity a period of suffering and anguish
Bible made emancipation nearly impossible → protesting women were referred to the Bible She does not believe that man/historians met and talked to God Women should not accept this idea → makes emancipation impossible
The Book of Genesis: equality → “God created man in his own image, male and female” language can lead to misunderstandings → “he” instead of “they” no passage that men are superior to women two different creation stories → Elohistic, Iahoistic
The Book of Deuteronomy: women were not allowed to take part at special events no direct communication between God and women men are allowed to have more than one wife and to “humble” women concerning to Moses men are the important factors → still impacts that times
The New Testament: different opinions about marriage → Pythagoreans, Pharisees according to the Apostle you should not marry unbelievers because this will lead to unholy children according to Paul (Bachelor) people should not serve the world but God → love God not husband or wife (criticized by Stanton because no one ever loved God) St. Paul → women were created for men and not the other way around The Bible can be seen as a big collection of myths and unverified stories canon law subordinated women in civil law → were not allowed to receive letters of friendship
The Woman‘s Bible: Reactions many scholars did not want to participate in the Woman's Bible project fearing a loss of professional reputation suffrages did not want the book to be published as Stanton is a representative of the movement fearing negative impact on their campaign for woman's rights: Association non- sectarian, addressing persons of all religions
after publication: criticized for radicalness of statements: a.priests/clergy: accuse Stanton of blasphemy (compare her modification of the Holy Trinity) & condemn Woman's Bible b.suffrages: issued a formal denunciation, marginalized Stanton's influence in the Association
Journal Questions (1) What, according to Stanton, proofs that women are not inferior to men? (2)Stanton talks about the “new man” and “the new woman”. What is she pointing at, here? (3)What is the "Word of God", according to Stanton? How do scholars justify their interpretation of the bible? (4)Does Stanton share ideas with authors we have already read? What in particular is in line with the tradition of American Freethought in her criticism?