Welcome to the University of South Florida Adult Hemophilia and Thrombosis Treatment Center (Transitioning Pediatric Patients into an Adult Center) University Of South Florida
Mission Statement: The University of South Florida Adult Hemophilia and Thrombosis Treatment Center provides comprehensive care for adult patients affected by bleeding disorders. We are committed to provide the best care to our patients, by including medical treatment, counseling and support, pharmacy services for clotting- factor replacement, and social services to our patients and their families through educational activities outside of the clinic.
Who We Are…
Hussain I. Saba, MD, Phd. Medical Director Dr. Saba (Hematologist) Responsible for medical management of your bleeding disorder.
Dr. John Greene Infectious Disease Physician Dr. Greene (Infectious Disease) Responsible for medical management of patients with Hepatitis, HIV, and vaccinations, Also screens for liver damage, Hepatitis A, B, C, and HIV.
Candace Nichols Program Coordinator Candace (Program Coordinator) Responsible for coordinating the clinics and managing the HTC federal grants and 340B factor program.
Tressie Brown Nurse Coordinator Tressie (Hemophilia and Thrombosis Nurse) As nurse coordinator, she is the link between the patient and the rest of the comprehensive care team as well as other health care providers. She arranges appointments, makes referrals, keeps accurate and up-to-date medical records, and educates patients and families about hemophilia and new products.
Stacey Fulgham, BSW Social Worker, Newsletter Editor Stacey (Social Worker) Responsible for education, consultation, training, support, counseling, advocacy, resource finding, and event coordinating. The Social Worker is also responsible for assessing insurance coverage for bleeding disorder needs.
David Newman, PT, MPT Physical Therapist Dave (Physical Therapy) Responsible for performing assessments on musculoskeletal and functional status of joints. Also responsible for developing exercise programs specific to Hemophilia patients as well as referring to outpatient clinics for physical therapy if needed.
Steve Reynolds Chief Financial Officer Steve (Chief Financial Officer) Responsible for organizing and directing fiscal and management control functions for our HTC. Also responsible for the preparation of monthly and annual financial reports.
A Little Information About Our HTC Our HTC is a federally funded comprehensive hemophilia treatment center that has a multidisciplinary team of experts who care for patients with bleeding disorders and whose staff spend their time caring for these patients.
Transitioning The Beginning Steps: (Intake) The pediatric patients treatment center will contact the USF Adult treatment center and speak with either myself or our nurse coordinator to set up an appointment time. Our comprehensive clinic offers appointments the fourth Tuesday of every month. The intake process takes place over the phone with the patients demographics and is then scheduled into our clinic. Once the pediatric patient has an appointment the social worker (myself) =) will call to set up a pre visit in the patients home if with in distance. If we can not meet in the home the social worker will discuss information assessed and provided during the comprehensive visit at the clinic.
Transitioning (Making It a Little Easier) We offer educational dinner meetings where new patients and extended patient families are invited to attend (this is a great opportunity for our new pediatric patients to meet some of our established patients as well as meet our staff). We offer home visits with new pediatric patients if they are within our driving distance. We also encourage our established patients to bring their sons, grandsons, daughters, or granddaughters (transitioning) with a bleeding disorder to clinic a couple of times before their appointment to familiarize them with our staff and the way that we run our clinic. We like to think of our treatment center as a large extended family and would like to make it as easy as possible for you and your child or children to join our family.
Transitioning (Home Visit or Initial Clinic Visit) Questions and Issues Discussed In Initial Visit I have???...(Hemophilia A, B, VWD, or Other My highest level of education is??? My future educational plans are???? My future work plans are??? My current health insurance is??? My current health insurance will remain in effect until??? Currently my infusions are provided by??? The name of my homecare company is??? The name of my factor product and my prescribed dose is??? And many many more =)
Transitioning (Insurance Issues) Patients come to us with insurance and without. If a patient does not have insurance there are many different avenues that we may take to aid in obtaining insurance, providing medication, and other various services.
Transitioning (Insurance Issues Cont.) The Services, Referrals, & Assistance We can Provide: Discuss and Educate the patient about Florida Medicaid and Medicare. Educate the Patient on Social Security Benefits such as SSI (Supplemental Security Income), SSD (Social Security Disability), Food Stamps, and Retirement benefits (based on age). Educate the patient on programs sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies to provide factor, sometimes at no cost, to hemophilia patients who are without insurance and who meet certain eligibility requirements.
Transitioning (Insurance Issues Cont.) Refer the patient to the A.C.C.E.S.S. program The Advocating for Chronic Conditions, Entitlements and Social Services is a program that assists persons with chronic medical illnesses, with state and federal entitlement programs, eligibility for group health insurance under federal law (COBRA and HIPPA), and health insurance through state high-risk pools and other alternatives. Refer the patient to PSI Patient Services Incorporated assists our patients in accessing health insurance, aid in payments of premiums, and pharmacy co-payments assistance programs. Also speak with Fran Haynes at the Hemophilia Foundation of Greater Florida about any services or funds she may have to help assist this patient.
Welcome Folder On each table is a copy of our Welcome Folder provided to all of our new patients regardless of age. Included In Folder: A Welcome Letter. Our mission statement along with contacts at the treatment center. Region IV South Patient Choice Policy form (You have the right to choose who and where you want to receive your meds from). A list of homecare companies. USF Bleeding Disorders brochure. 340B program brochure. Health Insurance Resources on the Web Pharmaceutical Patient Assistance Programs
We Welcome You To Our Family
Questions and Answers Don’t Be Shy!