Woodrow Wilson
Background Political Scientist President of Princeton Governor of New Jersey
Election of 1912 Wilson (Democrat) vs Taft (Republican) vs Roosevelt (Progressive or Bull Moose) Republicans split their vote between Taft and Roosevelt, Wilson wins election
Wilson and Isolationism When WWI started, Wilson favored isolationism “The United States will remain neutral, but I cannot ask that every American remain neutral in thought as well”
The U.S. and Neutrality Between February and December 1916 Europe was in a stalemate France lost 550,000 Germans lost 450,00
Rethinking Neutrality German U-Boat sunk a British luxury ship “LUSITANIA”, killing 1,198 people (128 Americans) Americans were Furious, but still did not want to enter the way Germans back off of sinking cruise ships
1917, Germans re-start aggressive navy attacks Wilson breaks off diplomatic ties with Germany Leads toZimmerman telegram
ZIMMERMAN TELEGRAM German Arthur Zimmerman urges Mexico to Join Central Powers In return, Germany would help Mexico “recover the lost territory of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona”
German U-Boats began attacking American ships On April 2, 1917, Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of War