Your Mission Statement Larry Potterfield – CEO MidwayUSA
Your Mission Statement Step 1 Why do you need a Mission Statement? – The Mission Statement provides a sense of direction, helps with the development of strategies and guides decision-making and actions.
“Create and publish to all employees a statement of the aims and purposes of the company or other organization.” -Ed Deming Your Mission Statement
Step 2 Why are Mission Statements so incredibly difficult to write? Your Mission Statement
“Columbia, Missouri – A Community of Excellence” Your Mission Statement
Two mutually exclusive ideas – Keep it short and simple – Include everything that’s important Your Mission Statement
“Widow maker – a job that even the best managers cannot deliver good performance.” Your Mission Statement
Management is an emerging science! Your Mission Statement
Divide and conquer! Your Mission Statement
Step 3 The four basic components of the Mission Statement 1.Mission 2.Vision 3.Purpose 4.Values Your Mission Statement
“What are your stated purpose, vision, values and mission?” Your Mission Statement
1.Vision 2.Purpose 3.Mission 4.Values Your Mission Statement
Goals, policies, strategies and marketing slogans Your Mission Statement
The Vision Statement 1.Your desired future state 2.Why you seek this desired future state 3.What methodology you plan to use to get there Your Mission Statement
To be the best-run business in America, for the benefit of our Customers, by systematically practicing modern leadership and management principles. Your Mission Statement
The Purpose -Why your organization exists Your Mission Statement
The Mission -The basic functions of your organization Your Mission Statement
The Values -Things you look for in people when you hire them, and also the things that keep your employees and other stakeholders loyal to your organization Your Mission Statement
The Values -”Values are what you hire for and ethics are what you fire for.” -William Burke, Vice President of Logistics at MidwayUSA Your Mission Statement
Mission Statement 1.Vision 2.Purpose 3.Mission 4.Values Your Mission Statement
“Create and publish to all employees a statement of the aims and purposes of the company or other organization”. -Ed Deming Your Mission Statement
Deployment You have to deploy, deploy, deploy, like crazy! The greatest Mission Statement in the world won’t be of any value unless you get it deployed to your Employees and other stakeholders. Your Mission Statement
Larry Potterfield – CEO MidwayUSA