ED 851: Final Project
Observations & Interview Observation #1 Thursday evening from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Observation #2 Thursday afternoon from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Interview TLC Tutoring Supervisor
Teaching & Learning Center
Initial Objective Which students use the TLC? How do they use it?
Grounded Theory Interactions and relationships between students and staff Interpretations of student feelings as it relates to that moment in the TLC
8 Themes, 36 codes What would Olney and Harris do? What themes do you see?
Students Working Checking for work Getting serious Ah-ha-ing Questioning Working, busy And your theme is… “That relationship between the students and tutors has been developing and changing.” “I think the TLC is definitely changing how students study and how they learn an d how they work with their time.”
Students Not Working Networking Meeting friends Relaxing Flirting And your theme is… “I can’t do math in my head (giggle),” as she swivels in her chair.
Students Not Working Texting Looking busy Killing time before class And your theme is… I saw this as an opportunity for tutors to approach students and offer their help. (Analytic Memo)
“You have to read it again and read it again and read it again. It’s plain English to me, but it’s the other way around for you.” “I pick my words carefully because students see tutoring as something remedial. I see myself as destigmatizing the concept of tutoring and the word ‘tutor’.” He puts his right leg up on an empty chair and rests his head into his left hand in a deep lean to the left. His mouth is partially open.
Expressing frustration Restlessness, anxiety Being bored Being nervous Feeling lonely Feeling unsure Fidgeting And your theme is… Student Emotions
Intimidation of Staff Respecting authority Waiting patiently Being nervous* And your theme is… “Maybe too because it’s so fresh in my mind to be a student and to be intimidated by instructors and by counselors and by anybody who has a title.” The student is looking at what the tutor is doing. He is swinging his pen in his left hand. The tutor is circling things on the paper.
Rapport Development/ Helping Relationships Professional presentation Acknowledging Affirming/reassuring Accountability Helping/explaining Initiating contact Empathizing Connecting And your theme is… “I see myself as a mediator and a bridge.” A new student comes in. From across the room, he is greeted by the ESL tutor, “How are you doing? Did you start it?” “Thank you for helping her,” the supervisor says to the student helping another student.
Negative Staff Interactions Eager to finish or avoid awkward goodbye Distancing Commanding authority And your theme is… I hear in a loud voice, “Grammatical errors. Now, we’ve had this discussion before.” The tutor is tapping his right leg while explaining with his hands as he stands with the chair behind him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” “Some of them (tutors) are a little proactive than others are.”