An innovative community based Cardiac Diagnostics Service prevents hospital attendances PG. Nolan1, O. Harrington2, J. Barton3, BD. MacNeill1, JJ. Crowley1, PJ. Nash1, K. Daly1 (1) University Hospital Galway, Galway, Ireland (2) Croi Rapid Cardiac Diagnostics, Galway, Ireland (3) Portiuncula Hospital, Galway, Ireland
Echocardiography Cardiac Ultrasound Primary tool for diagnosis and follow-up Heart Failure Valvular Heart Disease Structural Heart Disease Sudden Cardiac Death Paediatric to Geriatric Service National Clinical Programs Acute Medicine Heart Failure Acute Coronary Syndrome
Background Primary Care Physicians (GP's) have limited access to diagnostics Only 22% have open access As part of the Community Heart Failure Program (ChaMP) Community based Echocardiography Service commenced (Sept 2008) Croi, the West of Ireland Cardiac Foundation HSE West PCCC Cardiology Departments University Hospital Galway Portiuncula Hospital Eur Heart J 2000; 21: 1877–1887
Background Now extended to include Echocardiography 24hr-7 day Holter monitoring Ambulatory BP monitoring The only community based Cardiac Diagnostics Service to GP’s in the Republic of Ireland.
Methods Sept Sept cardiac investigations were performed by the service patients underwent echocardiography accredited Echocardiographer GE Vivid-i portable echo machine Holter and Ambulatory BP monitor service commenced January patients underwent Holter monitoring 24hours to 7 days 196 had Ambulatory BP monitoring.
Referrals 47.1% of referrals were for reasons commonly seen in acute medicine Dyspnoea Cardiomegaly Palpitations suspected heart failure. All patients had their test performed within 4 weeks of referral with urgent cases receiving highest priority
Results 47.8% of tests were reported as normal Echocardiography results 12.1% of patients had reduced LV function 5.8% mild dysfunction 2.9% moderate dysfunction 3.2% severe dysfunction. 33.3% of patients significant valvular disease 15.4% of cases at least moderate disease
Patient journey Only 8% of tests required rapid direct referral to the Cardiology Outpatient Clinic three cases attended the ED/MAU 92% of cases managed by GP's
Estimated savings In absence of service OPD referral MAU/ED referral GUH expects ED/MAU attendances - 22% estimated direct cost of an ED attendance €162 OPD – 78% estimated direct cost of an OPD attendance €167 Cost of an echocardiogram - €165
Estimated savings Estimated cost of ED attendances 663 x €162 331 x €165 Total € Estimated cost of OPD attendances 2352 x €167 1176 x €165 Total € Total saving
Challenges Lack of perceived value in the normal test Funding Peer-review and audit Increasing referral rate
Conclusion Rapid Access Diagnostics All patients seen in under 4 weeks Prevented an estimated 663 acute admissions Provided estimated savings of €399105