Roanoke-Chowan Community College’s QEP
SACS’ Expectations 1. Institution identifies barriers to student learning. 2. Focus on learning outcomes or learning environment. 3. Institution can initiate, implement, and complete QEP. 4. Broad-based involvement of constituencies in development/implementation. 5. Identifies goals/learning outcomes and plan to assess them.
What is Learning? The COC broadly defines it as “changes in knowledge, skills, behaviors, or values.”
Learning Outcomes As a result of three initiatives, students will be able to do the following: Apply course concepts in new and concrete situations to achieve course-level learning outcomes. Cooperate with others in collaborative learning activities and group projects in distance learning and traditional classes. Discover the connection between classroom and online learning activities and real-world experiences.
What is the Plan? Three QEP initiatives will be implemented in order to achieve the QEP goals and outcomes: Active and Collaborative Learning Initiative “Engage” students in the classroom with active and collaborative learning strategies Student Development Services Initiative Students will identify learning styles and apply them Professional Development Initiative Train faculty and staff to engage students