Curriculum presented issues should be correlated with the curriculum
project work portfolio a trip working with a map working with a coursebook
School environment Chemistry lessons should be conducted with the use of interesting methods of teaching and the teacher should impart knowledge in an accessible way
Classroom environment classroom should be equipped with laboratory tables, with the access to water and gas students should have aprons the classroom should be air-conditioned modern classroom and high standard of equipment make learning more pleasureable, interesting and effective
Working in chemistry classes should be aided with various didactic materials e.g. laboratory equipment, chemical reagents, three-dimensional chemical models, laboratory glasst, laboratory scales, plates, posters, worksheets and interesting exercises. CHEMISTRY
Methodology used in classes There should be various methods of teaching used in class: group work, chemistry presentation, metaplan, mind mapping, pointing to a problem using gestures - drama In order to arouse students’ interest in chemistry, better teaching results should be gained through activating methods of conducting a lesson spectacular experiments attracts students’ interest in sciences experiments during the lesson
Carrying out an experiment by the teacher and a laboratory experiment During the lesson students should have the possibility to do a few experiments on their own -Lesson outside the classroom- especially when the topic is difficult e.g. sugar production, sewage treatment Repeating material during the lesson can be conducted in a form of a mini chemistry olympiad Lessons introducing a new issue can be done with the use of the artistic skills e.g. making a poster
Aim of carrying it out the use of acquired knowledge in practice the development of personal interests the engagement of students into the process of the lesson
Procedure preparation of the experiment on the basis of the instruction. The class should be divided into groups and each of them receives the description of the experiment. If any problems arise, they should be reported to the teacher. keeping record of the results of the experiment – each group gauges what necessary and presents it in the record producing a theory – students search for some truths, principles which can be deduced from the comparison of the data.
thanks to the experiment student’s ability to memorize definitions and theories increases, they connect their knowledge with some practical activity. It is important to create a fairly easy experiment so that all of the groups are able to carry it out.
Due to the activating methods we achieve better and better contact with students Children’s attitude towards the subject changes Students participate in the lesson more eagerly Students become more self-reliant They have some practical skills They have developed some manual skills They learned how to work in a group They are aware of possible dangers CHEMISTRY
Teaching and learning Materials interactive workplaces, exhibits, an electrostatic machine
Methodology used in classes when teaching Physics, the dominating role play the laboratory method, experimental which engages students into doing exercises, carry out interesting experiments and thanks to this they remember definitions and theories the use of a film: TV lessons are a very attractive form of conveying information “brainstorm” – creative problem solving method, develops creativity lesson outside the classroom, scientific picnics, seeing interactive displays a modern method – virtual laboratory
Aims, usage: looking for, ordering, and the use of information from different sources. applying informational technology effectively Procedure choosing the topic which will be the base for exploring the Internet. Students search for any materials connected with the topic either at home or during the lesson. we divide students into groups they prepare a computer presentation of what they found In order to employ this method, we have to have an IT classroom with the Internet access at our disposal. I suggest to use this method during the lessons on “The built of the Solar System”, “Artificial objects in the Space” and so on.
Aims: learning new range of material provide students with important information in a visual form activating students’ experiences making them interested in a less fascinating topic teaching how to benefit from watching TV encouraging students to watch popular-science films Procedure: It is no use watching a film that is only “watched”. Students will not remember a lot from it and the teacher will not even know if anything was interesting for them in it. That is why the time of presentation should not be longer than minutes. While watching the film students should be given a task to do. Film should be analysed individually or in groups. In this method some necessary organizational requirements have to be fulfilled (video availability) as well as having a collection of good videos. I used a number of video cassettes.
Evalution and feedback students can draw conclusions students are encouraged to ask questions students search for answers students start to be self-reliant students develop their own learning strategies, generate authentic motivation and curiosity about learning teacher sees their engagement, interest and being active
School environment Teaching Biology should take place in a property organised and equipped study
Classroom environment Inside the study there should be models of a cell, DNA, a neuron, all made by students, exhibits of birds, flowers in windows and thematic glass- fronted display cabinets
Teaching and learning Materials models of organs, human skeleton, interactive workplaces, aquarium for culturing water plants, optical equipment: microscopes, magnifying glasses, laboratory equipment: slides, scalpels, preparatory tools, cylinders, beakers - microscopic sections – reagents – educating plates - DVDs
Methodology used in classes lectures conducted In an accessible, easy and student-friendly way practical lessons, developing skills Practical lessons method It is based on giving students some practical tasks that they should do with the assistance of the teacher. It aims at acquiring the ability to use the knowledge they already have from their everyday life has considerable importance for the intellectual development of all the students, especially for those talented ones, has student group work, groups with a diverse intellectual level of students – talented students play the role of leaders lesson outside the classroom, going to displays, museums, making educational exploratory trips
The method of the project based on students’ own and active work when doing the task which comprises a part of the material taught It has an interdisciplinary character. There have to be the particular task groups created, each of them should be given an assignment, materials and the source of information to be used