Human Bones Upper body
The Skull Cranium The cranium is a skull bone that covers the brain, as seen in the skeleton diagram with labels given below. The facial bones are not a part of the cranium. The bones that are just above the ear or in front of the ear are called as temporal bones. Mandible The mandible is the jaw bone and one of the strongest and the largest bones of the facial skeleton system. You are born with a mandible that is divided into two separate halves. As you grow, the median plane of rubbery tissue help joining the mandible into one.
Chest Ribs The twelve pairs of ribs form a cage like structure, which you can observe in the skeleton diagram with labels. It helps in protecting the chest cavity and the major organs like lungs and heart. Sternum The sternum or breast bone is divided into three parts. The manubrium, body of strenum and xiphoid process. Of the twelve pairs of ribs, the first seven pairs are connected to the sternum through the costal cartilages.
Shoulder girdle Clavicle The clavicle or the collar bone runs horizontally from the base of the neck to the shoulder. The main function of the of the clavicle is to support the shoulder and provide mobility to the arm. It also helps in partly transferring the weight to the shoulder. Scapula The scapula or shoulder blade is a large flattened, triangular shaped bone. It is located in the poster lateral part of the thorax. The shoulder bone is thin, fragile and can be easily broken.
Arm Humerus The longest and the strongest bone of the arm is called the humerus. It is a bone that has a flattened end and a rounded surface on the closer end. Ulna The ulna is the median bone in the forearm that runs parallel to the radius. The closest to the body, proximal, has a hook-like surface. The distill, furthest from the point of attachment to the body, consists of a rounded head. Radius The radius along with ulna make up the bones of the forearm. These bones articulate with the humerus at the proximal end and the wrist bones at the distal end. The radius is the lateral bone of the forearm..