You need to pass your A level and go to university. You need 5 years at university, untill you get a Master of Education You are allowed to take the teacher’s contest ( it is not an exam but a contest as the number of new teachers needed changes every year) Then you spend 1 year at the ESPE, a new school for trainee teacher… It is the same for primary teacher and for pre-primary teacher as a teachers can teach children from 2 to 11.
Syllabuses have been released in september 2008 it has given 6 main lines to follow: Learning to talk Discovering the writing Discovering the world Becoming a pupil Moving your body Feeling,touching,imaging creating New syllabuses will be released this year
timeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8.20 Arrival 8.40Gathering ( day weather …) 9.00P.E 9.40Working time ( writing reading painting speaking) Working time ( writing reading painting speaking) Working time ( writing reading painting speaking) Working time ( writing reading painting speaking) Working time ( writing reading painting speaking) 10.15Toilets,snack and break to Working time 1.20Welcoming games 1.35Gathering : listen to the album of the moment 2.00Working time: reading writing speaking painting relating to the album Working time: reading writing speaking painting relating to the album Working time: reading writing speaking painting relating to the album 3.00Toilets and break 3.15 to 3.45 Working time: singing drawing writing listenning to stories music…
Teachings in primary schools are divided into three steps : first step from 2 to 6 ( pre primary school) Second step from 6 to 7 ( names of the levels CP CE1) Third step : from 8 to 1( names of the levels CE2 CM1 CM2) School is compulsory from 6 years-old.( untill 16) The syllabus is organised by the teachers according to a national curriculum it is divided into 7 parts: *Learning the french language : reading speaking writing litterature grammar vocabulary *Learning a foreign language *Learning the sciences : mathematics physics biology *Learning the use of ITC *Learning about the world ( history geography littérature and arts) *Learning how to become a good citizen *Learning how to be self sufficient and take initiative
Music is a small part of : Learning about the world ( history geography litterature and arts) In our school timetables, we have to spend 2 hours of teaching for arts ( music and fine arts)
. Special, short actions can be organised by the teachers if a pupil encounter difficulties in learning. Special teachers are trained to come and help pupils with many difficulties in learning ( not in every school) If necessary a pupils can redo a school year if his/her parents and the Inspector agree.( only one time during his whole time at primary school) The timetable is the same as for pre primary school, only the subjects change ex for the second step: (CP-CE1) French 10 hrs Mathematics 5 hrs PE + Foreign language+ arts 9 hrs TOTAL 24 hrs third step ( CE2 CM1 CM2) French 8 hrs Mathematics 5 hrs PE + Foreign language+ arts + history and geography 11 hrs TOTAL 24 hrs
Teachings at secondary school are divided into different subjects: french, mathematics, history, geography, biology, geology, civics, arts, music, physics, chemistery. Teachers have to follow a national curriculum. From Monday to Friday ( Wednesday mornings only) pupils usually start at 8 am and end school at 5 pm with a 1 or 2 hours break to eat. At the end of secondary school they took an exam called « Brevet des collèges » ( = O level) Pupils with great learning difficulties can go to a special secondary school called SEGPA. They follow a traditionnal teaching as well as professionnal teaching.
After secondary school pupils move to high schools either a traditionnal one or a professionnal high school Teachers also have to follow a national curriculum. At the end of high school, pupils take an exam called « baccalauréat » a very important exam in France. There are different types of « baccalauréat »: -traditionnal subjects: litterature, sciences, mathematics, foreign languages,physics/chemistery - professionnal subjects: sciences for laboratory,sciences for the industry, music and dance, health and social…
Higher school teachings are given at university ( all public except for 5 catholics universities) or at higher schools ( either public or private) Some schools are linked to universities, they give short professionnal courses ( to become an ingeener or a teacher) At university, students usually follow tracditionnal courses, they take an exam after t2 years called a DEUG,another exam after three years ( a degree), then after 5 years they take a master and after8 years it is a « doctorat » It is very easy to go to university, you just need to have a baccalauréat ( A level) But if you wish to enter a higher school,you need to have good results at your A level and very good marks during the previous year.
Teacher’s day back at school: september 1rst 2014 Pupil’s first day back at school: september 2 nd 2014 Toussaint break : october 18th 2014 to november 3rd 2014 Christmas break: december 19th 2014 to january 4th 2015 Winter break: february 21rd 2015 to march 9th 2015 Easter break : april 25th 2015 to may 11th 2015 Summer holidays: july 4th 2015 to august 29th for teachers and september 1rst for pupils