INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION Report on SC 17A Activity HV switchgear & controlgear Denis Dufournet Anne Bosma A3-14 (AG 01 ) 013 IWD
2 Content SC 17A Activity Documents published since Work in progress Work on standardization of UHV Switchgear Present work of SC 17A Presentation of the work of SC A3
SC 17A – Recently Published Documents Published in Amendment 2 to IEC (Ed. 1.0): Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches (Addition of 1100 kV and 1200kV) Published in Amendment 1 to IEC (Ed 1.0): Alternating current series capacitor by-pass switches (Addition of 1100 and 1200 kV) Published in IEC (Ed 1.0): Use and handling of SF 6 IEC (Ed 1.0): Alternating current high-speed earthing switches for secondary arc extinction on transmission lines 3
4 SC 17A – Work in Progress CDV Stage IEC (Ed 1.0): Generator circuit-breakers CD Stage IEC (Ed 2.0): Common specifications IEC (Amendment 2 to Ed. 2): HV circuit breakers IEC : Switches with rated voltage > 52kV
5 SC 17A - Work on Standardization of UHV Revised standards IEC : Common specifications (work completed) IEC *: Circuit-breaker (work completed) IEC : Synthetic testing (work completed) IEC *: Disconnectors and earthing switches (work completed) IEC : Inductive load switching (work completed) New documents IEC *: HSES (work completed) IEC *: Guide for the application of -100 & related standards (work completed) * Input from CIGRE WG A3.22/28
6 Present Work in SC 17A Start or continue the revision of some standards Common specifications (running, started in 2011) Circuit-breakers (started in 2013) Synthetic testing (started in 2013) * Disconnectors and earthing switches (started in 2013) Switches with rated voltage > 52kV (started in 2013) Inductive load switching (will start in 2014) Reclosers (started in 2013) Application of IEC (will start in 2014) Generator circuit-breaker (ongoing) * Input from CIGRE WG A3.28 (e.g. bus transfer current switching)
Presentation of the work of SC A3 SC 17A has decided to set aside 0,5 days at its next meeting in Tokyo (November 2014) to present the ongoing work in CIGRE SC A3 It is the intention to include this presentation in all future meetings of SC 17A 7
INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION Thank you for your attention. Any questions?