By: Elizabeth Kunkel
First impressions matter ◦ Skills and appearance In a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, out of 457 employers who recruit college graduates 92% stated ◦ “A candidate’s overall appearance influences their opinion about the candidate.”
Know what’s expected by the potential employer Dress for a position two levels higher than you are interviewing for Level of formality ◦ reflects importance of situation and respect for interviewer Ask for the organization’s dress code policy
Formal and conservative dress style Don’t choose clothes and accessories that take away from your professional image Remove piercings and cover tattoos Clean and styled hair ◦ Keep it out of your face Clean and pressed apparel Keep it simple If your questioning an outfit ◦ Don’t wear it
Charcoal, navy, gray or black suit with a long sleeved white, ecru or light blue dress shirt Silk tie with a simple pattern or solid- should be darker than your shirt Polished, lace-up shoes that match suit Limit accessories to three pieces Short hair cut, clean shaven, clean nails, avoid heavy cologne Long coat and briefcase
Skirted suit, pantsuit, or conservative dress ◦ Panty hose are a must with a skirt or dress Avoid blouses with low neck lines or revealing waistlines Flat or low pump polished shoes, no open toe Limit accessories to five Clean and neat hair Natural looking makeup, manicured nails, light perfume Purse or briefcase
Keep clothes in good condition Prevent missing buttons and wrinkles Keep a jacket handy Dress a step higher than your client
Oxymoron- continuously changes over time Is becoming more defined Casual Fridays, polo with company logo Dress pants or khakis, button down shirts Nice closed toed shoes
Look the Part If you have to ask “Is this appropriate?”- don’t wear it Dress for Success
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