BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT What are the three branches of Government ? What are the three branches of Government ? What is the Executive? What is the Executive? What is its role in British Politics? What is its role in British Politics?
3 BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT Governments across the world are based on a basic structure. Almost all, including the United States and United Kingdom, have THREE main BRANCHES :
The UK and US have many similarities and differences As with the Constitution, the system of Government and the role of the EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATURE and JUDICIARY vary widely between the two countries.
EXECUTIVE WHAT IS IT?: WHAT IS IT?: The EXECUTIVE BRANCH are: ‘ Those people charged with responsibility for the administration of Government and the implementation of laws made by the Legislature.’ The EXECUTIVE BRANCH are: ‘ Those people charged with responsibility for the administration of Government and the implementation of laws made by the Legislature.’
Who does it include? 1. THE HEAD OF STATE (Queen/ President) 2. THE PRIME MINISTER (UK) 3. MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNMENT. (The Government are a small group of selected M.P’s made responsible for a Government department. (The Government are a small group of selected M.P’s made responsible for a Government department.
THE POLITICAL EXECUTIVE In the UK Parliamentary system, key politicians in the Government team run by the Prime Minister are said to be part of the Political Executive. In the UK Parliamentary system, key politicians in the Government team run by the Prime Minister are said to be part of the Political Executive. They are responsible to Parliament. They are responsible to Parliament. In the USA the President acts as a single executive. In the USA the President acts as a single executive.
5 functions of the Executive
1. CEREMONIAL DUTIES Heads of State (Queen/ President) undertake ceremonial duties such as having banquets, receiving foreign guests and signing treaties. Heads of State (Queen/ President) undertake ceremonial duties such as having banquets, receiving foreign guests and signing treaties. They stand in for the State itself – embodying the National will. They stand in for the State itself – embodying the National will. In the US the President has these duties In the US the President has these duties In the UK the Queen embodies the State In the UK the Queen embodies the State
State Banquet
2. PROVIDE LEADERSHIP In times of Crisis – the Executive must provide leadership In times of Crisis – the Executive must provide leadership An example would be Tony Blair after 9/11 building up a coalition An example would be Tony Blair after 9/11 building up a coalition
3. MOBILISE SUPPORT Members of the Government have to galvanise support for their causes Members of the Government have to galvanise support for their causesHOW?
4. DECISION (POLICY) MAKING Members of the Government are constantly involved in the decision making process on a range of issues affecting millions of peoples lives. Members of the Government are constantly involved in the decision making process on a range of issues affecting millions of peoples lives. The Prime Minister is also part of the Legislature and therefore can help direct policy The Prime Minister is also part of the Legislature and therefore can help direct policy
5. COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY Ministers do make mistakes and are held accountable for them Ministers do make mistakes and are held accountable for them