Significant Concepts are highlighted in Yellow.
The Lab Computer Keyboard Controller USB Headphones Sustain Pedal
Keyboard Controller: This functions much different than a digital piano or synthesizer. It sends midi data to the computer and has no internal sounds In order to make sound, software is required. Virtual synthesizers are often used for this purpose.
Virtual Synths
Controllers work with other audio software.
You must make your computer talk to your controller! Always check your midi setting on your program. Make sure that the midi input is set to USB Midi device.
What is MIDI? More on this later…
M-Audio Mobilepre USB This is a USB Bus Powered Preamp and audio interface that will allow you to use Protools on your computer. What does it mean to be Bus Powered? What is a Preamp? What is an audio interface?
The Master Editing Station M-Audio Project I/O Tannoy Nearfield Monitors Control Surface
All the mic signals from each studio are sent to this patch bay Ignore this bottom row of inputs. They will not be used.
Send your Mix to the Tannoy Nearfield Monitors Send your mix to the Headphone Amplifier This send the signal to all the studios via the Headphone jacks
Send your Mix to the speakers in the house (Ceiling)
Take the signal from the teacher station or CD player and send it to a mic input to record or Send Teacher station signal to the tannoy monitors
Other options Other options
Look at it this way… All of these jacks that are red have a signal waiting to be sent The white ones are waiting to receive a signal to amplify
You have two musicians, one recording in studio 1 and the other in studio 4. Send the signal to be recording on channels 5 and 6. Monitor the mix through the Tannoy speakers by using outputs 1 and 2. A synth is then going to be recorded to channels 3 and 4. Mark all the patch routes.
What was the problem with the last set up?
The two musicians need to hear each other.