How does carbon move in and out of the atmosphere? Why has the amount of carbon dioxide increased recently What is a carbon neutral fuel
Carbon is often called the building block of life as it is found in all organic molecules Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. What does this mean?
How is carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere by green plants? Can you write a word equation for this?
Oceans are called sinks for carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide is absorbed by sea water and makes insoluble carbonates
1 R Can you write a word equation for this 2. Decomposition by microbes of dead trees 3. Deforestation
Absorbs carbon dioxide to form carbonates which are insoluble and fall to the bottom of the sea Absorbs carbon dioxide which forms soluble hydrogen carbonates which remain dissolved in sea water Seas and oceans act as BUFFERS
The hole in the ozone layer is causing global warming?
A record hot day is evidence of global warming
Burning fossil fuels contributes to global warming
Global warming will cause less rain.
List how carbon dioxide is removed from the air? List how carbon dioxide is added to the air What is the result of too much carbon dioxide?