Natasha Benko, Kevin Jacobsen, Marcus LaRose, Scott Timme October 14, 2009 Our design will automatically calibrate your speedometer according to tire size.
Design Need / Milestones This product will provide drivers with an accurate speed measurement regardless of tire size. Initial Design and Research - Complete Ordering Components – Complete Hardware Design – 75% Complete Software Design - Prior to week of 10/25/09 Testing – Prior to week of 11/15/09
Recently Completed Tasks Wheel mount designed Parts Begin building this week Speed Algorithm for speed sensor Output coded Psuedo-Code began Beginning pseudo-code for RFID Amplifier built
Ongoing Tasks Hardware Prototyping Voltage regulator Serial interface Software Programming Continue pseudo-code Speed Sensor Calibration Testing OEM Speedometer Manufacturing tire mount Design drive mechanism
Upcoming Tasks Interface RFID Update Documentation Testing Mechanical hardware construction
Wheel Mount Design
Functional Block Diagram
Project Schedule