The Increase In Childhood Obesity
Obesity is defined as, “Weighing more than twenty percent above ideal weight for a particular height and age.” What is Obesity?
With one-third of American children overweight or obese and national health care spending on obesity nearing $150 billion annually, childhood obesity remains a pressing public health concern.
Childhood obesity rates in the U.S. have nearly tripled over the past three decades and today, an estimated 16.9 percent of U.S. children and adolescents ages 2 to 19 are obese; 31.7 percent are either obese or overweight. In sheer numbers, more than 12 million American children and adolescents are obese and more than 23 million are either obese or overweight.
The U.S. childhood obesity epidemic also poses a national security challenge, as obesity has become one of the most common disqualifiers for military service.
But What Causes Obesity?!? Obesity is the result of “caloric imbalance”—too few calories expended for the amount of calories consumed. What does that mean? Children are taking in more calories than they are burning and as a result are gaining weight.
Weight is affected by various factors such as - Environment - Heredity - Behavior
In 2010, First Lady Michelle Obama announced “Let’s Move” a collaborative effort to address the obesity epidemic. Designed to promote healthy choices, increase healthy eating by improving school food quality and access to healthy, affordable food in communities and increase opportunities for a physically active lifestyle; the effort is underway to help children and adults achieve and maintain a healthy weight and reduce obesity-related chronic diseases.
“Lets Move” includes School Nutrition Legislation Body Mass Index (BMI) Legislation Increased Physical Education program Nutrition Education
My Solution The solution starts at home! The government can make plans that will reduce the options for poor health but if parents take the initiative, the problem can stop at home. Here are some ideas : -Read Labels -Provide Healthy Snacks -Cook As Opposed To Ordering Food -Educate Your Children About Nutrition -Lead By Example!