Battles on the western front While people on the home front supported their troops, the war in the Western Europe was going badly for the Allied powers. In 1915, a series of battles had resulted in many Allied casualties. The Italian Front In may 1915, Italy entered WW1 by joining the Allied powers. Italy’s first move was to send its forces against Austria-Hungary on the Italy-Austria borders. In a long series of back and forth battles, Italy made little progress.
The battle of Verdun Meanwhile the Germans were making plans for an assault on the French fortress of Verdun.Verdun had been an important French fortress since roman times German leader believed that French unable bear seeing the city captured would defend it at all costs the battle of Verdun was meant solely to kill or injure as many French soldiers as possible to bleed France white said the German commander from the start of the battle of February 1916 to its end that December France suffered some casualties germany however endured nearly as many the battle left both sides weakened and the stalemate continued
The battle of the Somme The British launched their own attack intended partly to pull German troops away from Verdun in June 1916 this British attack took place in the Somme river area France the battle of the Somme is the main allied assault during 1916 on the first day of fighting alone the British suffered merely casualties just as in the battle of Verdun by the time the fighting in December 1916 there had been no major breakthroughs both sides lost an enormous number of troops
The third battle of Ypres The year 1917 went badly for the allies, that spring a failed French offensive caused rebellion among French soldiers, in July the British began an offensive near Ypres, in Belgium were two earlier German attacks have taken place, the third battle of Ypres was a disaster for the British, who ended the attack in November, after three years of battle in western Europe, the front lines were virtually unchanged.
WAR AROUND THE WORLD Much of the early fight took place in Europe, but the conflict quickly became a true world war as fighting spread around the globe. Over thirty nations officially took sides in the war and other countries became involved in less formal ways.
The Gallipoli campaign A new power had entered the battle of the eastern in may 1914, when the ottoman empire joined the central powers the vast empire was weakening but its still had a vital location. The ottomans controlled an important sea passage called the Dardanelles, which was part of the water route between the blacks sea and the Mediterranean. The allies used the Darnelles to ship supplies to Russia. To destroy the guns and forts that lines the darnelles, the allies landed a force on the Gallipoli peninsula in the spring of after months of fighting and nearly 200,000 casualties, the allies gave up. The Gallipoli campaign was a failure. The ottoman empire did suffer a major loss later in the war when its subjects in the Arabian peninsula rebelled. To take advantage of this revolt, the British officer T.E Lawrence to support the Arabs. With lawrence’s help, the Arabs overthrew the ottoman rule.