W E L C O M Magrill Elementary STAAR Informational Night Date
Adgenda Reading for grades 3-4 Math for grades 3-4 STAAR Testing Overview Reading for grades 3-4 Math for grades 3-4
STAAR Testing Overview What Parents Need to Know
History of Texas testing (1980- 2011) TABS (Texas Assessment of Basic Skills) TEAMS (Texas Educational Assessment of Minimum Skills) TAAS (Texas Assessment of Academic Skills) TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness)
What is the staar test? Criterion-reference test measuring the state mandated curriculum (TEKS) Timed Test (Unlike TAKS) Passing Standard set by raw score converted to a scale score ‘Met Standard’ (“Cut Score”) established by State Board of Education in Austin
What does TEKS stand for? TEKS is the acronym for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. The TEKS represent the basic curriculum for each subject area at each grade level in Texas.
What is the purpose of TEKS? The TEKS outline the "scope and sequence" of what students are supposed to learn at each grade level. The TEKS indicate what students should learn and when they should Learn it.
TEKS and STAAR How do the TEKS relate to STAAR reporting categories and the STAAR test? The STAAR reporting categories are drawn from the TEKS. Not all TEKS are tested in the yearly STAAR test. The STAAR test focuses on the TEKS that the state has deemed appropriate for pencil paper tests.
Staar reading reporting categories Reporting Category 1: Understanding Across Genres The student will demonstrate an ability to understand a variety of written texts across reading genres. Reporting Category 2: Understanding and Analysis of Literary Texts The student will demonstrate an ability to understand and analyze literary texts. Reporting Category 3: Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts The student will demonstrate an ability to understand and analyze informational texts.
Staar Grade 3 Reading blueprint
Staar Grade 4 Reading blueprint
Study Guide See packet for a complete reading passage and questions that are appropriate for your child’s grade.
Staar content Notice how long the passage is. Building stamina is something we work on in class.
What magrill do to help your student Reading Pencil Strategy Card (see example) Daily small group interventions Regrouping based on student’s needs Extended Day
What Can you do to help your student Read and discuss a variety of materials with your child. Help your child to understand the meaning of new words using context clues. Ask who, what, when, where, and why questions to help your child understand the main idea, purpose, and implied meaning of what is read.
Encourage your student to… READ 20 minutes per night Increase READING to 30 minutes per night Then Increase READING 45 minutes per night to build stamina!
Staar math reporting categories Reporting Category 1:Numbers, Operations, and Quantitative Reasoning The student will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, operations, and quantitative reasoning. Reporting Category 2:Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Reasoning patterns, relationships, and algebraic reasoning. Reporting Category 3:Geometry and Spatial Reasoning geometry and spatial reasoning.
Staar math reporting categories Reporting Category 4:Measurement The student will demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and uses of measurement. Reporting Category 5:Probability and Statistics The student will demonstrate an understanding of probability and statistics.
Staar Grade 3 mathematic blueprint
Staar Grade 4 mathematic blueprint
Study Guide See packet for a sample math problems and questions that are appropriate for your child’s grade.
What magrill do to help your student RUCCDEC Problem Solving (see example) Daily small group interventions Regrouping based on student’s needs Extended Day
What Can you do to help your student When your child gets “stuck” on a problem, don’t just provide a solution. Instead, suggest trying again or using another strategy to find the answer. Let your child know that he/she can be successful in mathematics. Be sure your child is fact proficient that is, they know their math facts.
Thanks you for attending our STAAR Parent Night!!! Magrill Elelmentary Thanks you for attending our STAAR Parent Night!!!