The Single Story Perspective 1.The Bible is one big story 2.The story has a plot line – what is the plot line? 3.The theme of this story is God’s grace: Jesus’ rescue of sinners and redemption of the world 1.We are all participants in this ongoing story
Four Questions That Define Everyone’s Worldview 1.How did it all begin? 2.What went wrong? 3.Is there any hope? 4.What will the future hold? This is, in one word, our worldview. “All people (including little children) have to understand and respond to these truths of the biblical worldview, and turn from whatever false ideas they have put in place of God’s truth” James Barrs and Francis Shaeffer
How Did It All Begin Creation God Gen 1:1 He is the Creator, King and Sovereign Ruler. He is holy, loving and righteous. Creation Psalm 102:25 Creation exists because God called it into being. All of creation was made for one specific purpose: to glorify God. Harmony Gen 1:31 Everything God created worked together perfectly. There was no pain, suffering or death.
What Went Wrong The Fall Genesis 2:16-17 explained: “But why did God not want them to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Surely it is good to know the difference between right and wrong? Yes, but the ‘knowledge of good and evil’ refers not simply to knowing what is right and wrong, but rather to deciding what is right and wrong. Their sin is that of law-making, not just that of law-breaking.” Vaughan Roberts
What Went Wrong The Fall Disobedience Gen 3:1 Consequence Guilt and Shame Hebrews 9:27 Physical and Spiritual Death Rebels on the run Gen 3:7-8 A broken creation Rom 8:19-21 Dysfunctional relationships Gen 6:5 “When Adam and Eve fell, the entire cosmos fell with them” Paul Tripp Need Rom 3:10, 19, 23 We are far more flawed and far more sinful that we can dare imagine.
How does the Bible define/describe sin? Our Desperate State Our sin separates us from God, causing a gigantic need. Unless our sin problem is solved, we will be separated from God permanently. We must somehow be reconciled to our Creator or suffer eternal separation and punishment from God, which is called Hell.
Is There Any Hope The Rescue The Promise mentioned Gen 3:15 The Bible is one long and detailed answer to one short and crucial question: Who is that Seed who was promised to come? The Plan unfolds Matt 1:1 The Promise defined 1 Cor 15:1-5 The Promise kept Luke 19:10; 1 Peter 3:18; Gal 1:4 “We need someone to be good in our place, to suffer what we deserve to suffer, and to live the righteous life we should have lived.” Elyse Fitzpatrick
How do we experience this Rescue? Admit to God your need We are in desperate need for our sin to be removed so that we can be reconciled to God (Luke 18:13) Ask God to forgive you and help you turn from sin This is called repentance (Mark 1:15) Trust in Jesus Christ alone to rescue you Place your faith in God’s offer of rescue and redemption found in the sacrifice, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (John 6:47; 1 Cor 15:1-5; Eph 2:8-9)
How do we experience this Rescue? Follow Jesus Christ, the King of your life, in faith from this day forward Your allegiance is now to Him. He is the King of your life. The greatest rescue of all time was the rescue of human souls from the darkness of the enemy’s camp. God planned for our rescue, made the arrangements, and stopped at nothing to accomplish it.
What Will The Future Hold Restoration “Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exist. A baby feels hunger: well, there is such a thing as food. A duckling wants to swim: well, there is such thing as water. Men feel sexual desire: well, there is such a thing as sex. If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world” C. S. Lewis
God Is Making All Things New God has promised a complete restoration of humanity (Rev 21:5) Restored spiritually 1 John 3:2 Restored physically Rev 21:4-5 Restored socially Rev 7:9 Restored emotionally Rev 7:17, 21:4 Restored morally Gal 3:28 Read Rev 22:3-5 We’ll serve God without hindrance, no more curse, no more darkness, nothing to fear and we will reign Who can do this Rev 5:9
Thoughts On Sharing Christ Gospel presentation vs. Gospel conversation Dialogue not monologue See people as image-bearers Perfect broken created renewed Gospel conversations are typically carried on in the midst of relationships God is relational; He pursued us when we were rebels—we should do the same Determine your circle of influence God has placed you where you are to live out this story
Practical Tips For Sharing The Story Know the Story You Are In Know it Well Share it with Enthusiasm Pray for appointments, clarity of speech and boldness Be gracious in conduct, words and listening Be willing to just point them to Jesus Be bold enough to share the Gospel Let them exit graciously Do follow-up diligently
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