Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Where does the “Geo” fit ? “Portal 101” Seminar
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Outline Where does the ‘Geo’ Fit? ‘Geo’ is the Portal site ( a.k.a. GIS Portal, GeoPortal) “Geo” in Portal sites “Geo” supports Portal sites
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’ is the Portal Site Portal Public Web Enterprise Corporate Marketspace B2BB2C MegaPortals Vertical Portals Partner Portals IntranetInternet Complete Hierarchy of Portal Types derived from: Ovum's taxonomy of portals
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure A GeoPortal Definition(?) Enterprise Portal, a framework for integrating information, applications, and processes across organizational boundaries therefore GeoPortal, a framework for integrating information, products, applications, and services across organizational boundaries geospatial
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure GeoPortal Advantages Search & Discovery Finding the geospatial information you need in many ways from many sources Collaboration Connecting geospatial information suppliers to users Categorization Organizing geospatial content into channels that people commonly use Aggregation Composing live maps from many distributed web map services
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure GeoPortal Value Proposition To improve the relationships between end-users, partners, and suppliers of geospatial information To improve the quality of service provided to end-users and partners To improve operational efficiency by stimulating self-service
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure GeoPortal Sites Generic GeoPortal sites Geospatial One-Stop Operational Portal Arkansas Geographic Information Office Specialized GeoPortal sites Alabama Emergency Management Agency Conservation GeoPortal
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Arkansas GeoStor Portal My Map intersection
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure GeoConnections Discovery Portal
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure End-User One Stop Shopping Map Making Searching and Finding Acquiring and Using Personalization - geospatial style My Favourite Maps My Favourite Searches My Points of Interest My Noted Places
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’in Portal Sites Portal Public Web Enterprise Corporate Marketspace B2BB2C MegaPortals Yahoo Excite InfoSeek etc Vertical Portals Geospatial One Stop Conservation GeoPortal Hierarchy of Portal Types derived from: Ovum's taxonomy of portals Partner Portals IntranetInternet Complete
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Per Portal Architecture
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’in Portal Sites Interactive Map Portlet Integrated service Map Services Google Yahoo MapQuest
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’in Portal Sites Mashup Map Portlet GeoRSS feed Map service with supporting mashup API
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’in Portal Sites Interactive Maps in IFrame Portlet Interfaced presentation Self-contained
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’ in Portal Sites Site Locator Portlet ArcWeb service Authentication Web Service Address Finder Web Service Map Image Web Service Place Finder Web Service POI Manager Service Proximity Web Service Route Finder Web Service
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’ supports Portal Sites Portal Public Web Enterprise Corporate Marketspace B2BB2C MegaPortals Vertical Portals Partner Portals IntranetInternet Complete Hierarchy of Portal Types derived from: Ovum's taxonomy of portals
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Per Portal Architecture
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’ supports Portal Sites At the Content Management Layer Technologies that support the publishing, management and retrieval of information Opportunities: Support a user-defined geographic constraint to searches performed against structured or unstructured sources [ keyword(s) + bounding box ]
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’ supports Portal Sites At the Identity Layer Technologies that support the personalization of content and presentation to the needs of each user Opportunities: Filter pertinent news/information to one’s registered Area-Of-Interest (AOI) Alerts - automatic delivery of public notices relevant to one’s registered Area-Of-Interest (AOI)
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’ supports Portal Sites At the Integration Layer Technologies used to integrate the portal with the rest of the technology infrastructure Opportunities: spatial adapters to provide geo-validation services
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure ‘Geo’ supports Portal Sites At the Management Layer Technologies supporting the management of the portal and understanding its usage Opportunities: Business Intelligence Where are the users from ? What are the areas of interest?
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Summary GIS Technology is very pertinent to Portal implementations GeoPortals are poised to be the next generation online presence for partnerships GeoPortals in advance of a Corporate eGov Portal is possible and can be strategic End-user value of GIS technology is likely most perceived at the presentation layer
Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Contact Information Duncan Rowe York Region Geomatics x1542