On-Site Compliance Monitoring Checking for fiscal compliance in current year local plan (general ledgers, time and effort, equipment, processes). Two newly-hired staff visit LEAs and multi-district career centers (one third of schools) annually. Does not include program compliance.
SC Education and Economic Development Act of 2005 (EEDA) Programs in at least 3 career clusters/cluster majors at each school Articulation to postsecondary and dual credit to create seamless pathway Adoption of the HSTW whole school reform model Career guidance and counseling, career specialists, and student Individual Graduation Plans (IGPs) Contextual teaching At-risk students targeted
CATE Programs—Career Majors CATE Programs – Sequence of career and technology education courses leading to a career goal – No academic courses – Minimum of four Carnegie units of credit Career Majors (EEDA) – Sequence of four elective courses leading to a specified career goal within a cluster of study – Can include both academic and career and technology education courses – Minimum of four Carnegie units of credit
Military Career Pathways 101 Course designed for career guidance counselors and other educators to learn about postsecondary careers in the military June 17-19, recertification hours, 30 CEU hours— Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and 19 Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) hours
School Year 55 tests (all 8 providers) 21 of these tests developed with CTECS Changes this year: (1) new provider for National Health Science Assessment and (2) requiring two ASE-NATEF tests instead of four: MLR and Electrical/Electronic Systems
Cut Scores Set Summer 2013 Administrative Services Masonry Marketing Management HVAC Technology Electricity Marketing Communications
Piloting Information Support and Services Networking Systems Computer Programming with C++ Computer Programming with Visual Basic Business Finance Business Information Management Merchandising
Amy McCaskill, Education Associate Office of Career and Technology Ed SC Department of Education Phone: