Minnesota’s Lighthouse High Schools Connecting Action and Research.


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Presentation transcript:

Minnesota’s Lighthouse High Schools Connecting Action and Research

Building the Foundation: Data retreats

Building the Foundation: Data retreats Taskforce

Building the Foundation: Data Retreats Taskforce Breaking Ranks

Foundational Pieces: Data Retreats Taskforce Breaking Ranks Newmann Framework

A Unifying Framework for School Improvement Based on the research of Fred Newmann The key is to integrate cultural and structural conditions to focus on intellectual quality and professional community in a sustained way. Professional Community Clear shared goals for student learning Collective & collaborative responsibility among staff Reflective professional inquiry among staff Opportunities for staff to influence school’s activities & policies Program Coherence Programs for student & staff learning are coordinated, focused on clear learning goals, & sustained over a period of time. Cultural Conditions Primary concern for the intellectual quality of student learning Commitment to high expectations for all students, regardless of individual differences Support for innovation, debate, inquiry, & seeking new professional knowledge Ethos of caring, sharing, & mutual help among staff, & between staff & students, based on respect, trust, & shared power relations among staff Strong, mutually influential relationship between the school & the parents & community (Fullan). School Capacity Teachers’ Individual Knowledge, Skills & Dispositions Professional Community Program Coherence Technical Resources Principal Leadership Professional development is more likely to enhance capacity when it addresses several aspects of capacity instead of focusing only on teachers’ knowledge, skills & dispositions. Student Achievement Technical Resources High quality standards & assessments, curriculum, books & other instructional materials, lab equipment, computers, adequate workspace, remodeled physical facilities, etc. Principal Leadership Principal is very influential in life of the school & is a critical force in the school’s capacity. Principal has primary legal authority to positively affect each aspect of school capacity. Teachers’ Individual Knowledge, Skills & Dispositions Staff are competent in instruction & assessment which is centered on curriculum appropriate for their particular students Staff hold high expectations for all students’ learning Sources 1.Fullan, M., Rolheiser, C., Mascall, B. & K. Edge (2001). Accomplishing large-scale reform: A tri-level proposition. Retrieved from 2.Newmann, F. et al (2000). Professional development that addresses school capacity. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association annual meeting, New Orleans. 3.Newmann, F. & Associates (1996). Authentic achievement: Restructuring schools for intellectual quality. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. B. Aune, MDE 6/16/05 Instructional Quality Instruction & Assessment School Structures Policies & Programs (e.g., homework policy, prof. development program, length of school day & class periods, etc.) that provide— Sustained time for instruction, planning, staff development, & student advising Interdependent work structures for staff, esp. teaching teams & committees for schoolwide decision making School autonomy from regulatory constraints Small size for school & instructional units State & district level policies and programs also affect school level structures (Fullan).

Broad Goals:  Build SEA capacity to facilitate high school redesign  Support systemic high school redesign through action research

Finding the Schools:  Site leadership team  Data collection and analysis  School improvement plan development and refinement  Evaluation of grant activities  Public reporting of results

Building SEA Capacity  Facilitators partnered with school teams  Periodic training and work sessions  Site visits and team retreats

Working with Data:  From reporting outcomes to documenting implementation  From sharing practice to sharing knowledge