Writing an APA-Style Research Report Wrapping it Up
Reference List Start this section on a new page, after the last page of the Discussion section. Center “References” on the first line. Use hanging indentation (CTRL-T). Titles of journals and books and the volume numbers of journals are set in italic font.
Appendices Can be used to present details that would be too distracting in the body of the article. Start on a new page after the References. Center “Appendix” If more than one, “Appendix A,” “Appendix B,” etc.
Footnotes Strongly discouraged. You should not have any reason to use them.
Tables In a copy manuscript, each on a separate page, at the end of the manuscript. In a final manuscript, placed where best for the reader. First line is Table number, such as “Table 1.” Next line is the title, italic font, upper and lower case.
Number the tables in the order in which they are referred to in the manuscript. Do be sure to refer to each table.
Figures Each must have a caption, that is, a title, such as “Figure 1. Scented tunnel apparatus.” In a copy manuscript, each figure caption is on a separate sheet, following the tables. Following all the figure captions come the figures themselves, one per sheet. In a final manuscript, locate each figure near where you first refer to it in the body of the manuscript.
Ordering the Various Parts Title Page (page 1) Abstract (page 2) Introduction (page 3, title of the manuscript typed at the top of the page, centered) Method Results Discussion References (new page)
Appendices (if any, start each on a new page) Footnotes (if any, new page) Tables (if any, start each on a new page) Figure Captions (if any, start each on a new page) Figures (each on a separate page)
Your Papers for This Class Prepare as a final manuscript, not a copy manuscript. Instead of a title page, simply put your name, the class name, the date, and the title of the paper you are submitting at the top of the first page of each paper that you submit to me. For example,
Ima Student PSYC July 2011 Ethical Ideology Related to Political Ideology in College Students Xxxx xx xxx xxxx
Abstract I do not require an abstract.
Appendices You may need an appendix with your Method section paper – for example, a copy of a questionnaire that will be used. You will need an appendix with your Results and Conclusions section paper. It will contain the statistical output from SPSS or other statistical program.
Tables and Figures Put them in the body of the manuscript. Easiest to put each on a separate page. Put the caption below the figure, not on a page by itself.