19 June 2006David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 1 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN SINGAPORE
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 2 “We are not what we hope to be But we are not what we used to be” John Newton
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 3 1 st Industrialization and Educational Reforms 1 st Industrialization Phase 1 st Educational Reform 1965 – 1973: 1.Investment-oriented; 2.Labour-intensive manufacturing 1.Integrated Educational System; 2.Growth of Technical Education
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 4 Table 2: Social Development Expenditure 1961 – 1965 (40% of Total Development Expenditure Singapore $ million (Equivalent US $) % 1. Health 2. Education 3. Social Welfare 4. Housing 5. Sewerage 6. Community Services 7. Culture (205) st Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 5 1 st Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Challenges Economic Strategy - Economic Development Board (EDB) - Employment Act
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 6 1 st Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Educational Reform Strategy 1: Centralization of Primary and Secondary Education Strategy 2: Growth of Technical Education
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 7 1 st Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Strategy 3: EDB Training Centres Strategy 4: Company-based Training Centres
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 8 1 st Industrialization Phase & Reform: Achievements Economic Achievements - Average growth 10% - Manufacturing 24% share of GDP - Unemployment rate 3.6%
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 9 1 st Industrialization Phase & Reform: Achievements Educational Achievements - Student enrolment - Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) 61% - 83% - General Certificate of Education (GCE ‘O’) 53% - 69%
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 10 2 nd Industrialization and Educational Reforms 2 nd Industrialization Phase 2 nd Educational Reform 1974 – 1985: 1.Capital intensive industries 2.Foreign workers 3.High wage policy 1.New Education System (Efficient management sys) 2.Certification and Training in Technical Education
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 11 2 nd Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Expenditure on education: $32.75 million Expenditure on education: $ million
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 12 2 nd Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Challenges Economic Strategy - Wage Correction Policy - Higher Value Technological Industries
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 13 2 nd Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Educational Reform Strategy 1: Standardizing School Work Procedures and Processes Strategy 2: Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 14 2 nd Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Strategy 3: Certification through part-time training in Technical Education Strategy 4: Foreign Company Participation in Institutes of Technology
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 15 2 nd Industrialization Phase & Reform: Achievements Economic Achievements - Average growth 7.3% - Nominal value-added $18,400 in 1979 to $27,000 in Skilled manpower 11 % in 1979 to 22 % in 1985
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 16 2 nd Industrialization Phase & Reform: Achievements Educational Achievements - PSLE from 83% - 88% - GCE ‘O’ from 69% - 88% - VITB certified 9% of existing workforce
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 17 3 rd Industrialization and Educational Reforms 3 rd Industrialization Phase 3 rd Educational Reform : 1.Services as engine of growth 2.Regionalization 1.Holistic Education 2.Quality Schools, Leaders, Teachers 3.Setting up Institutes of Technical Education (ITE)
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 18 3 rd Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform National Technology Plan $2 billion (1991 – 1995) National Science and Technology Plan $4 billion (1996 – 2000)
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 19 3 rd Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Challenges Economic Strategy - Developing Industries Cluster Niche Areas - Twin Pillars of Economic Growth: Services and Manufacturing
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 20 3 rd Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Educational Reform Strategy 1: School Leadership Training and Development Strategy 2: Excellence in Education through Quality Schools
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 21 3 rd Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Strategy 3: Setting up of Institutes of Technical Education Strategy 4: Total Training Concept of ITE
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 22 3 rd Industrialization Phase & Reform: Achievements Economic Achievements - Average growth 8.6% - Financial & business services in total GDP from 21 % in 1986 to 26 % in 1997
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 23 3 rd Industrialization Phase & Reform: Achievements Educational Achievements - Enrolment of ITE students grew 84% - GCE 5 ‘O’ Level from 70% (1991) – 82.7% (2004) - Research scientists & engineers – 3,361 in 1987 to 11,302 in 1997
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 24 4 th Industrialization and Educational Reforms 4 th Industrialization Phase 4 th Educational Reform 1998 onwards: Knowledge-based economy; Entrepreneurship 1.‘Thinking Schools Learning Nation’ 2.ITE Breakthrough Plan
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 25 4 th Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Table 10: Singapore Educational Budget Allocation Budget (S$billion) Percent to education
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 26 4 th Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Challenges Economic Strategy - Multilateral, Regional, Bilateral, FTAs - Flexible Wage System; Low Taxes & Central Provident Fund
19 June 2006David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 27 ECONOMIC CHALLENGES
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 28 Singapore’s economic growth slower and more volatile…
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 29 China pulling lion’s share of FDI in Asia
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 30 Develop Human Capital Flexible and diverse education system New Buzzwords: creativity, innovation, intellectual curiosity and risk taking, entrepreneurial, broad- based education, passion, R&D, global mindset, rootedness, continual learning
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 31 4 th Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Educational Reform Strategy 1: School Excellence Model Strategy 2: Singapore Quality Class (SQC) Award
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 32 SEM
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 33 4 th Strategic Industrialization & Educational Reform Strategy 3: ITE Breakthrough Plan
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 34 4 th Industrialization Phase & Reform: Achievements Economic Achievements - Average growth 4% - Strong growth in per capita GNI US$24,560 (2004)
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 35 4 th Industrialization Phase & Reform: Achievements Educational Achievements - Enrolment of ITE students surpassing the 25% annual school cohort - Continuing Education Training Programmes: trained 58,989 adult learners - industry training partners trained 131,401 people
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 36 4 th Industrialization Phase & Reform: Achievements Educational Achievements - TIMMS: 1 st in Mathematics and Science (1995, 1999,2003)
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 37 4 th Industrialization Phase & Reform: Achievements -International Olympiads (2003): Biology: 1 gold; 3 silver and 5 th team placing out of 41 countries Chemistry: 1 gold; 2 silver; 1 bronze and 10 th team placing out of 59 countries Mathematics: 2 bronze; 3 honourable mentions and 36 th team placing out of 82 countries
19 June 2006 David Ng National Institute of Education Singapore 38 Life begins at 40 Thank You