Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Statistical Office FSO Guidelines of Statistical Business Register Draft chapter 7 Fabio Tomasini – Paul André Salamin Meeting of expert group on SBR Geneva 3-4 September 2013
2 Draft Chapter 7 Fabio Tomasini – Paul André Salamin Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Statistical Office FSO Purposes Maintenance strategy of SBR Maintenance = update in terms of coverage and content Taking into account the sources of updates the use of the SBR for constructing sampling frames the time dimension
3 Draft Chapter 7 Fabio Tomasini – Paul André Salamin Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Statistical Office FSO Overview of content 7.1 Maintenance strategy Administrative sources Choice of a primary administrative source with best possible coverage and content Criteria for the choice of secondary administrative sources Feedback from surveys Potential bias Use as signals
4 Draft Chapter 7 Fabio Tomasini – Paul André Salamin Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Statistical Office FSO Overview of content 7.1 Maintenance strategy Control surveys Verify existing data and obtain values for missing items Maintenance groups Maintenance effort depends on size, impact, propensity to change, source
5 Draft Chapter 7 Fabio Tomasini – Paul André Salamin Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Statistical Office FSO Overview of content 7.1 Maintenance strategy Timing of updates At least once a year: creations and deletions, addresses, stratification variables Timing of updates must take into account the construction of the sampling frames the economic statistic programm
6 Draft Chapter 7 Fabio Tomasini – Paul André Salamin Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Statistical Office FSO Overview of content 7.2 Services: sampling frames Common enterprise frame as a basis for the creation of survey frames for all economic surveys Coherent system over time for SBR updating frame construction sample selection for the business surveys
7 Draft Chapter 7 Fabio Tomasini – Paul André Salamin Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Statistical Office FSO Overview of content 7.3 Demographic changes and continuity Summary of relevant manuals 7.4 Handling of changes in the SBR Changes in the content: identification variables, stratification variables Creations and deletions of legal and operational units, administrative units and statistical units
8 Draft Chapter 7 Fabio Tomasini – Paul André Salamin Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Statistical Office FSO Overview of content 7.5 SBR maintenance: quality management aspects Management of stakeholders and of data sources 7.6 Treatment of errors Summary of chapter 18 of the EU Business register Recommendation Manual
9 Draft Chapter 7 Fabio Tomasini – Paul André Salamin Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Statistical Office FSO Issues for further discussion and feedback Do we need further investigation in point 7.2 Services of this chapter?
10 Draft Chapter 7 Fabio Tomasini – Paul André Salamin Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Statistical Office FSO Requests for good practices/examples, from countries Requests for good practices/examples, etc. from countries Remarks, comments, proposals etc are welcome