Dyslexia Awareness Week 31 October – 4 November 2011 “ Our vision is that of a dyslexia friendly society that enables dyslexic people to reach their potential.” (British Dyslexia Association)
Question: What do these people have in common?
Answer: They are just a SMALL collection of very successful dyslexics. Dyslexic people are visual, multi-dimensional thinkers. They are intuitive and highly creative, and excel at hands-on learning.
Jerry Hall I'm dyslexic and so are four of my children. It can be very difficult in the beginning but then you learn to cope with it. It can seem like a gift because it makes you think differently.”
What is dyslexia? Dyslexia is a LEARNING DIFFERENCE Dyslexia is a combination of abilities and difficulties that affect the learning process in one or more of reading, writing and spelling. Some learners have very well developed creative and/ interpersonal skills, others have strong oral skills. ALL HAVE STRENGTHS
Average national statistics for dyslexia : 10% of population have some form of dyslexia 4% are severely dyslexic including 375,000 school children
How do we support dyslexia in Staffordshire? Dyslexia Friendly Schools initiative Staffs has the BDA Quality Mark Dyslexia Centres Assessments Training for schools and parents Advice to schools and parents
If dyslexic pupils don’t learn the way we teach…then can we teach the way they learn? “Dyslexia friendly methods” can benefit all children. Multi sensory learning techniques provide the key to teaching pupils with dyslexia because all the pathways in the brain are being used. This will mean that the stronger senses help the weak ones. The key is to find the way that an individual learns best and to then try to adapt the classroom organisation and teaching style to accommodate more effective learning.
Multi-Sensory We remember 20% of what we read 30% of what we hear 40% of what we see 50% of what we say 60% of what we do……..and 90% of what we see, hear, say and do
Question: What % of self made millionaires who were surveyed were dyslexic? Answer: 40% of 300 millionaires who participated in a study had been diagnosed with dyslexia. Dyslexics who struggle make up for it by being more creative, and looking at the bigger picture. Richard Branson- first million made by the age of 18 “ Being dyslexic can actually help in the outside world. I see some things clearer than other people do because I have to simplify things to help me and that has helped others.”
Dyslexics often succeed because they compensate by spending time exploring ideas, learning new strategies and working to find a model of success. “I had to train myself to focus my attention. I became very visual and learned to create mental images in order to comprehend what I read.” Tom Cruise
I was one of the “ puzzle children” myself – dyslexic….and I still have a hard time reading today. Accept the fact that you have a problem. Refuse to feel sorry for yourself. You have a challenge; never quit! Nelson Rockefeller