Feeding 5,000 Message to the People
Shema – Hebrew Shema Israel, Adonai elohenu – Adonai echad Ve’ahavta et Adonai eloeikah B’khol levavkah Uve’khol naphshekah Uve’khol m’odekah Ve’ahavta le’reacha Kamocha, Amen
Shema Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God. The Lord alone. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And Love your neighbor as yourself. Amen.
Numbers 1 – 1 God 2 – 2 tablets 4 – pagan #, 4 corners of the earth 5 – Books of Torah 7 – Completeness 12 – 12 tribes 50 – Moses dividing Hebrews into judging groups
Jesus sends out the 12 Matthew 10: 5 and 10 “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.” “take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or staff” They were going to communities who were supposed to know how to be God’s people – city gates
Disciples return Luke 9 – disciples return immediately before the feeding of 5000. They were “feeding” the Jews Luke 9:13 – “You give them something to eat.” Lesson of the desert – Deut. 8:3 “feeding you with manna, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”
Jesus’ lesson John 6:5-6 – “he said to Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. Expecting – “You are the Son of God! You are the living word! You are the bread of heaven! We can feed these people, we have seen you in action and believe!” The disciples didn’t get it.
Jesus’ lesson Mark 6:40 – So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties.” (why do I need to know this?) Order of the Israelites in the desert – Ex. 18:21 “groups” is word for “garden plots” The disciples must serve them. How much effort to serve 5-10 thousand people?
Feeding 5000 hill
2 Kings 4:42-44 Elijah provides a model for this miracle. “They will eat and have some left over.” How much? Matthew 14: 20 – “They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up 12 basketfuls” Jesus provides enough for the entire nation of Israel – 12 tribes
Mark 5 - Decapolis Region of the Gerasenes – expelled ones 7 nations Joshua conquered – Deut. 7:1 Verse 2 – “When Jesus got out of the boat” Demon-possessed man came. Ultimate Hellenist All alone at the top – “no one was strong enough to subdue him” He declares who Jesus is Jesus demands his name – power over him
Hill of demon-possessed man
Susita (Hippos) City of 5,000 Just up the hill from this story Scholars don’t agree this is his town Pig herders ran to tell and the people came to see Take too long to go very far 10th legion garrisoned here mascot was a boar
Climbing to Susita
Healing Legion asks to be sent into pigs If in pigs, Jews won’t touch them Run down the slope and into Abyss I’m told pigs are actually pretty good swimmers
Hill they ran down
1st missionary Man asks Jesus to come with him Jesus says no, go and tell your story He did Was he successful? Mark 5:20 – “all the people were amazed.” Verse 18 – “as Jesus was getting into the boat” The disciples didn’t even get out!!
Luke 8 – feeding 4000 Next time Jesus goes to Decapolis Verse 1 – “another large crowd gathered” Was the man a successful missionary? – YES! Seven loaves – completeness 4,000 people – representing the 4 corners of the world Seven baskets – enough for 7 nations
Lesson Did the disciples get it? Quick object lesson No – argued about not having bread Quick object lesson Healing of blind man in Bethsaida – Mark 8:22 Jesus heals only partially at first Man has eyes now but can’t see clearly What would be worse? – totally blind, or can’t trust your eyes This lesson is only for the disciples
Next week Son of Man – Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus and Herod Antipas – Luke 14:25-35