OUR PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICE In addition to our regular Ward and Out Patient Service we now offer a complete rehabilitation package to all our Orthopaedic patients both surgical and non surgical. This now includes Acupuncture, Hydrotherapy and supervised, patient specific Gym Rehabilitation. Our Hydrotherapy Service uses Bollington Leisure Centre. We offer appointments either early mornings or in the afternoons on selected days. With flexible appointment times we can offer rehabilitation to many differing types of patients. For those who wish to progress their rehabilitation further, we now offer specific, supervised gym sessions, using the Bollington Leisure Centre Gym. These sessions are available during early mornings two days a week.
INPATIENT SERVICE During an inpatient stay at the Regency, all Orthopaedic patients are seen on the ward regularly, and progressed appropriately in preparation for going home. Before discharge they are offered an Out Patient appointment in our Physiotherapy Department. For those living out of the area we can refer patients to other Physiotherapy Departments. We also see all general surgical patients for mobility and chest physiotherapy, breast surgery patients for shoulder exercises, gynaecological patients for abdominal and pelvic floor exercises and all bariatric patients for mobility and fitness advice during weight loss.
Pre-Op Orthopaedic surgical patients my be seen by a Physiotherapist pre- operatively, usually in the week before surgery if you attend the pre- op clinic. During this clinic they are seen by our Nursing Staff and then following this they are seen in our Physiotherapy Department. We advise on the Physiotherapy they will receive during their stay, any exercises that may be beneficial to practice before they come in, and the treatment offered post discharge. We see patients undergoing hip and knee replacements, back surgery and shoulder surgery.
OUT PATIENT SERVICE We don’t have a waiting list so all patients either from the ward following surgery or referred from Consultants and GP’s can be offered appointments within days. Our Department is open from 8am – 6 pm most days so we can usually accommodate most patients appointment wishes. We have two treatment rooms offering a range of treatments; acupuncture, ultra sound, pulsed shortwave, joint mobilisations, muscle strengthening programmes, core stability rehabilitation, balance work and more. We have a selection of rehabilitation equipment; exercise bike, trampette, free weights, gym balls, medicine balls, wobble boards, theraband, hand therapy equipment etc. We can offer treatment for many conditions other than our orthopaedic surgical patients; osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, sports injuries, back and neck complaints, muscle imbalance, postural advice, gait re-education and more.
HYDROTHERAPY SERVICE – Why and where? To offer a better all round rehabilitation package for our orthopaedic patients. To offer an alternative form of treatment to gym and conventional department set up. To help patients take responsibility for their own rehab giving them the incentive to go and continue their exercises in a pool themselves. Makes exercising more enjoyable. More Sociable. Peer support. Efficient – can treat more than one patient at a time. Good use of treatment time – full half hour session, patients arrive changed and ready, no time wasted. Give patients allocated time each week to concentrate on exercises when otherwise busy. Bollington Leisure Centre Mondayam/pm Thursdayam/pm Fridaypm
BENEFITS OF HYDROTHERAPY Warm water is very relaxing. Can treat multiple joint problems / conditions. Good for pain relief and reduction of swelling as joints are supported whilst exercising. Good for early knee rehab when patients are only partially weight bearing. Buoyancy can be used to support, assist, resist and for stretching. We try to get patients with similar conditions to work together, great for peer support and morale boosting. Can be used for aerobic activities – jumping, jogging, changing direction. A good re- introduction to spring and bounce. Although a group activity, one to one operates within the group. With physios in the water, it is easy to assess and progress each individual patient. Exercises can be more finely graded according to the patients specific needs. Enjoyable and fun! Allows patients to take responsibility for their own rehab. Many come back on their own to use the pool or join the gym. Great for working on core stability and balance. Patients do not have to be able to swim. We have plenty of choice of exercises so non swimmers can keep their feet firmly on the ground!
WHICH PATIENTS? All joint replacements Knee Surgery – ACL, Arthroscopies, Microfracture Sporting injuries Arthroscopic Shoulder surgery – ASAD, SLAP, Anterior Stabilisation, MUA, Joint Rersufacing. Spinal Surgery – Discectomy, Decompression, Wallis Lig, Spinal Injections. Other Upper limb Surgery Other Lower Limb Surgery General LBP, Neck Pain, Joint Pain Neuro Patients – Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsey, others
ABOUT BOLLINGTON LEISURE CENTRE -Warm water, used for lots of children’s activities so very pleasant temp. -Use a lane roped off during early morning public swimming. -Full use of all pool equipment (In addition Regency has also now provided equipment) -Shallow and deep water. -Ladder access to pool. -Whole pool available in afternoon session, greater activity possible, hoist availability. -Staff happy for patients to go in own time and use equipment. -Reduced fees for gym membership.
GYM SERVICE Bollington Leisure Centre Wednesdayam Fridayam Our latest addition to complete our rehabilitation programme. This service follows on from the hydrotherapy service and is offered to all patients who wish to further their rehab or who don’t like water! We offer supervised gym sessions specific to individual patients needs, allowing them to safely regain strength, flexibility, core stability and to restore to full fitness following surgery / injury. Like the hydrotherapy, the gym sessions are run as small groups of 2 – 3, and offer peer support an confidence building in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Following either hydrotherapy or gym sessions patients have the confidence to continue to exercise and maintain strength and fitness on their own.
BOLLINGTON LEISURE CENTRE GYM Modern, newly and fully equipped gym. Pleasant and spacious environment. State of the art aerobics equipment; tread mills, bikes, cross trainer, stepper, rowing machines. Modern highly adjustable weights machines for strengthening all muscle groups for upper limb, lower limb and core strengthening. Free weights. Large matted floor area for core exercises using swiss balls, dumbell weights, balance ball and more.
WHICH PATIENTS? All joint replacements Knee Surgery – ACL, Arthroscopies, Microfracture Sporting injuries Arthroscopic Shoulder surgery – ASAD, SLAP, Anterior Stabilisation, MUA, Cuff repair, Joint resurfacing. Spinal Surgery – Discectomy, Decompression, Wallis Ligament, Spinal Injections. Other Upper limb Surgery Other Lower Limb Surgery General LBP