PAF Indicators Performance Family Group Comparison Report 2007/8 k to add title Adults & Older People Information Produced by Research and Information Section Community, Health and Social Care Directorate Crompton House
A80 – Participation on drug treatment programmes (interface) – The percentage year on year change in the number of problem drug misusers accessing treatment services. (BVPI 198)
B11 – Intensive Home Care as a percentage of Intensive Residential Care – The number of households receiving intensive home help/care as a percentage of all adults and older people in residential and nursing care and households receiving intensive home help/care.
B12 – Cost of Intensive Social Care for Adults and Older People – Average gross weekly expenditure per person on supporting adults and older people in residential and nursing care and providing intensive home care. (BVPI 52) Group 2 bandings Note: Darlington, Gateshead, Kingston upon Hull, Newcastle upon Tyne, North Tyneside, Plymouth and Sheffield are Group 1 Authorities
B17 – Unit cost of home care for Adults and Older People – Average gross hourly cost for home help/care. Group 2 bandings Note: Darlington, Gateshead, Kingston upon Hull, Newcastle upon Tyne, North Tyneside, Plymouth and Sheffield are Group 1 Authorities
C28 – Intensive Home Care – Households receiving intensive home care per 1,000 population aged 65 or over. (BVPI 53) – Key Threshold
C29 – Adults with physical disabilities helped to live at home – Adults with physical disabilities helped to live at home per 1,000 population aged
C30 – Adults with learning disabilities helped to live at home – Adults with learning disabilities helped to live at home per 1,000 population aged
C31 – Adults with mental health problems helped to live at home – Adults with mental health problems helped to live at home per 1,000 population aged
C32 – Older people helped to live at home – Older people helped to live at home per 1,000 population aged 65 or over. (BVPI 54)
C51 – Direct payments – Adults and Older People receiving direct payments at 31st March per 100,000 population aged 18 or over (age standardised). – (BVPI 201) - Key Threshold
C62 – Services for Carers – The number of carers receiving a specific carer’s service as a percentage of clients receiving community based services.
C72 – Admissions of supported residents aged 65 or over to residential/nursing care (KT) – The number of Older people aged 65 or over admitted on a permanent basis in the year to residential or nursing care
C73 – Admissions of supported residents aged to residential/nursing care - Adults aged admitted on a permanent basis in the year to residential or nursing care per 10,000 population aged
D37 – Availability of single rooms – The percentage of single adults and older people going into permanent residential and nursing care who were allocated single rooms.
D39 – Percentage of people receiving a statement of their needs and how they will be met – The percentage of adults and older people receiving a statement of their needs and how they will be met. (BVPI 58)
D40 – Clients receiving a review – Adult and older clients receiving a review as a percentage of those receiving a service.
D41 – Delayed Transfers of Care – The number of delayed transfers of care per 100,000 population aged 65 or over
D54 – % of items of equipment delivered within 7 working days – Percentage of items of equipment and adaptations delivered within 7 working days (BVPI 56) – Key Threshold
D55 – Acceptable waiting times for 1 average of (I) the percentage where the time from first contact to beginning of assessment is less than or equal to 48 hours, and (ii) the percentage where the time from first contact to completion of assessment is less than or equal to four weeks. (BVPI 195) – Key Threshold
D56 – Acceptable waiting times for care packages – For new older clients, the percentage for whom the time from completion of assessment to provision of all services in the care package is less than or equal to 4 weeks. (BVPI 196) – Key Threshold
D83 – Improvement to quality of life from equipment/minor adaptations – For older service users all respondents to Q10 in the 2008 survey answering “it has made it much better” or “it has made it a little better”
MRD75 – Practice learning – The number of assessed social work practice learning days per whole time equivalent social worker.
E47 – Ethnicity of older people receiving assessment – The percentage of older service users receiving an assessment or review that are from minority ethnic groups, divided by the percentage of older people in the local population that are from minority ethnic groups.
E48 – Ethnicity of older people receiving services following an assessment – The percentage of older service users receiving services following an assessment or review that are from a minority ethnic group, divided by the percentage of older service users assessed or reviewed that are from a minority ethnic group. Darlington did not supply data for 3rd year
E82 – Assessments of adults and older people leading to provision of service – The percentage of assessments which lead to service being provided