Twisting the DNA Helix Maria Helen de Hitta-Catalan
What are Genetically Modified Food (GMF) ? Food that contain an added gene sequence Food that have a deleted gene sequence Animal products from animals fed with GM feed Products produced by GM organisms
Why are food genetically modified? Genetic modification offers a rapid and precise method of altering organisms as compared to traditional methods that are slow and inaccurate.
Common GM Food Vegetables Tomatoes Potatoes Rice Cheese Meat
How is genetic modification possible? The components of DNA are the same in all organisms. Sequences that code for proteins can be moved from one organism to another.
How can DNA be moved from one organism to another? Find an organism with the desired trait Isolate the gene sequence that codes for the desired trait Insert the gene sequence into the genome of the plant cell
How can DNA be moved from one organism to another? Allow the genetically altered cell to grow into a plant Allow the plant to propagate
How can DNA be moved from one organism to another? A vector can carry DNA. The vector can be a pellet from a gene gun. Viruses and bacteria can also be utilized to transfer genes.
Sources: Genetics Science Learning Center Genetics Science Learning Center The Biology Project – Mendelian Genetics s.html The Biology Project – Mendelian Genetics s.html s.html s.html Genetics Education Center Genetics Education Center DNA: Heredity and Beyond DNA: Heredity and Beyond Biotechnology: An Information Resource Biotechnology: An Information Resource
So, what do you think about genetically modified food - are they beneficial or harmful?
To find out more, your tasks… Ask good questions, access current and relevant information, analyze the validity of resources and the information, reach consensus with your peers, take action, and explain your stand - all in an effort to answer the question: Are genetically modified foods beneficial or harmful?
Specifically, you need to do the following: Read articles from Web sites using Internet search engines to find information on genetically modified foods. Conduct a survey to find out the perceptions of a sample population on GMF. Choose a stand. Are GMF beneficial or harmful?
Specifically, you need to do the following: Process the data you gathered using a spreadsheet application. Present survey results to the class using graphs and tables through a PowerPoint presentation; and Prepare a brochure that informs the public about GMF and its risks and benefits, which will in a way support your stand.
Your performance will be assessed based on… how you process information how you process information how you support your point of view how you support your point of view how you effectively communicate your ideas, and how you effectively communicate your ideas, and how you collaborate with your peers how you collaborate with your peers
How your outputs will be evaluated You will be working in groups and outputs will be evaluated using the following rubrics: Multimedia Presentation Rubric and Multimedia Presentation Rubric and Multimedia Presentation Rubric Multimedia Presentation Rubric Brochure Rubric Brochure Rubric Brochure Rubric Brochure Rubric
Remember, Your individual grade will be equivalent to the grade your group will get for this project. This project will constitute 25% of your grade for the quarter.
Remember also to… keep an open mind, and try not to reach a conclusion before your investigation is complete.
So, Investigate! Collaborate! Collaborate!Share!